When you’re already losing interest in gaming, there’s nothing worse than having to sit through long updates because you haven’t turned on your machine for a while.
Ironically, running proved to be bad for his health.
Is a meme even something you make yourself and post for the first time. Can it only become a meme once it gets reposted by someone else?
If I’ve learnt anything from numerous askreddit posts on the question ‘what is the best feeling ever?’, it’s that the human condition is rather tragic. The best pleasure is basically the relief of discomfort or pain - like taking your bra off at the end of the day or like this one walking into an air conditioned room.
Even when they enter the trades, some of them are still dreaming of becoming influencers. We had a builder at our house who popped up when I was scrolling through TIk Tok. We were talking one day about how he was going off on his own as a builder and all of a sudden we were talking about what was clearly his real dream of becoming some kind of car influencer.
Anyone commenting “My sweet summer child.”.
Anything other than eating those over-ripe bananas. Do people really eat them when they get to that stage?
Aren’t there ones where the entire episode is a western or something that happens in the holodeck because the writers wanted to try out some other genres?