Queen HawlSera

  • 10 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 25th, 2023


  • This, I keep hearing about how “Thanks to Trump common sense is being restored!”

    And when I ask what they mean by “Common Sense”, they tell me the most transphobic shit I’ve ever heard in my life and give me a lecture about how it’s “time for me to stop playing dress up”

    And I’m like “Dress up? I’m a fucking tomboy who happens to be a transgirl, what exactly am I dressing up as?”

    I know what they mean, but pretending I don’t makes them angrier, and at this point I hope they have strokes.

  • This, I find most of people’s problems with “The Left” are based on their failure to understand what a False Dichotomy is

    I had a friend of mine tell me that he didn’t support Democrats or Republicans because he felt the options were “I can vote Right and get politicians who wanna kill black people, or vote Left and get politicians who worship black people like Gods!”

    and I had to be the one to tell him, that no one is out here worshiping black people as gods.

    Well, maybe fans of Morgan Freeman in reference to his role as God in Bruce Almighty, but even then that’s just one black guy and not all black people.

    He tried to say that “Some Leftists do…”, but ultimately he caved and realized how silly his claim was…

    I still can’t get him to vote, though he claims he supports Democrats as a lesser evil option…

    Which doesn’t really matter because he doesn’t fucking vote.

  • It’s a shame her popularity was so short lived, if she had remained one of gaming’s stars we could have gotten a third game (I love you WayForward, especially for the Shantae series and Clock Tower Rewind, but Betrayal was sadly the best subtitle you could have given your entry, and that’s not a compliment)

    And maybe a movie that wasn’t directed by Uwe Boll

    As much as I do love the Postal movie, it’s probably the only good thing Boll ever made and it’s still schlock.

  • At this point I’m glad I’m a janitor and AI doesn’t mop floors…

    And I feel sorry for anyone who take those “LeARn To CoDe” nutters seriously when they gave that as advice on how to leave poverty.

    Not in a “Haha, I’m bette than you cause I’m blue collar” sense, but in a…

    “I’m just grateful to have bread crumbs, the situation is dire, there are no easy solutions outside of revolting against our so-called masters.”