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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I agree with your points anyway but I still believe better electronics/software would’ve at least reduced the extent of the Fukushima disaster, because iirc one of the big problems was the inability to operate even low power electronics because of the backup power failure.

    I’d think that the giant environmental consequences of the disaster could’ve been mitigated if things like pressure sensors from the reactors were visible by operators after the power loss and depressurization vents and the emergency core cooling system could’ve been activated.

    imo the software shouldn’t have let the backup batteries to die running the cooling pumps when it would’ve been very important for reducing the overall extent of the damage

  • I just went through and tried out a lot of stuff in VMs and live USBs, and switched to an actual install when I got confident enough/was tired of USB boot speeds

    maybe it’s just me but I find just doing things myself much more fun and useful than reading guides

    i just started out with whatever distro looked the best in promotional pics, which was kde neon in my case (kde neon <3)

    imo it’s more important to go with the interesting option (things like kde neon) than the easy option like Mint, at least it’s what gave me the motivation to try things out and learn Linux