Can you please just fucking not
We need someone who is actually going to make some changes, not another return to a milque toast centre right 70 year old white dude
Can you please just fucking not
We need someone who is actually going to make some changes, not another return to a milque toast centre right 70 year old white dude
I just un-installed it
Anyone know what Android System Intelligence does? Should that be un-installed as well?
The fact that it is not mandatory should not even register with anyone with half a brain cell.
The US is just so stupidly backwards and going even further in that direction that it’s even an option to not vaccinate your kids.
All that’s going to happen is that this country will push out all the intelligent people who will want to leave for somewhere with some intelligence and the oligarchs will be left to rule over a blatantly stupid populace who force themselves into slavery
If all people did was post things online then there is no chance in hell anything would change.
According the article she came out of the bathroom and collapsed so you can’t just leave her in the aisle to be fair
It is really wild that they didn’t have the other passengers put into new seats even after they asked though
Wait what did Tarentino do/say? I didn’t hear that one at all
How exactly do you support a genocidal state and the people it’s genociding at the same time?
You don’t think that’s a massive contradiction?
Yeah see that seems to be a very libertarian market driven way of looking at things.
The way things end up working, at least in the US, is that they a) just won’t raise the minimum wage, and b) even if everyone stops tipping they won’t raise it, and then you’ll have a bunch of people unable to live who still have to work for shit wages. Which is exactly the situation that exists in the states right now.
I’ve lived in the Netherlands for 3 years - i much prefer the set up there. As you say, pay the price that’s listed. No extra surprises.
How? Those people just aren’t going to get the money. Its not like the company is going to pay them extra because you didnt tip. Theyve already decided that the wage will be low Your logic doesn’t really make sense
Yeah i want them to actually put up a fight not just roll over and let trump tickle their bellies.
But nah we will just get 4 more years of them saying “see we aren’t as bad as that” even though they did fuck all when they had power except launch a genocide
Yeah cuz dems really did a good job of holding down grocery prices and stopping price gouging
Fucking stop grandstanding and actually do something useful.
Did you ever live in a world before Amazon? People still shipped goods and went shopping
That was sarcasm in the first part
Yes AWS is the standard for most of the internet, but do you think Amazon won’t notice if a whole bunch of users en masse decide to stop buying things from their warehouses?
It’s not really racism if I assume that an entire group of people with over a billion members are all the same
You have no idea if that child is abused or not
It’s just as much freedom of choice to want to wear a full veil as it is to not want to wear one
I agree with this. I went to see it with my dad and girlfriend. Brighter than a 1000 suns is a phenomenal book about the entire project and both my dad and I were excited to see it
The science and history were poorly handled and the movie did not need to be 3 hours long. Could have been an easy 1:45 and it would have hit the plots
It is your doctors job to keep up with new treatments. And if they’re legitimate they’re not putting out new pills every month
No Other civilized country has drug commercials the way the US does.
That’s still an absolutely wild statement to be honest. Only 60?