• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • I remember living in a world where i was shocked when companies started asking for credit card details when activating a free trial.

    I’m signing up for a free trial. I shouldn’t need to even give you my name. Just put a 30-day limit on the key i activate the software with. If i want to buy it, then i can decide that during the trial.

    The fact that we are at a point where the anger is directed to the part AFTER i have given all my details and credit card info is so painful to see.

  • I can make my right arm vibrate by tensing up the muscles in my forearm. I dont me shake really fast. I mean vibrate.like, fast.

    Outside of beating my brothers on specific mario party mini games that require repeatedly pressing a single button (or other games that have that use mechanic) or unlocking the cheats in bomberman 64 (needed a turbo controller to hit start repeatedly on the main menu) its pretty damn useless.

    There was one Mario Party mini game (i think called domination) where you had to hit A as fast as possible, with each press making a thwomp or “domino” appear in a line. At the end, they all fall down, and you see whose line is the longest.

    Some people couldn’t reach the finish line. Some could just about get past it. Mine just kept going and going.

    Otherwise, totally useless.

  • You were responding to a comment about quadriplegics which painted context to your response. If that’s not what you meant, then gine. Im sorry i misunderstood your response. You could have been more clear that you were generalising and not directly responding to the claim being made.

    To your point. No not everyone has a life and people that love them but i would argue that a blanket statement that started this thread, that if you were a quadriplegic then you would volunteer to have experimental surgery with unknown side effects and effectiveness because you have nothing else going for you is not inherently true.

    You dont need to be quadriplegic to want to volunteer. You dont have to not have anything else going for you, and you dont need to have a life or people that love you.

    If all you are saying is not everyone has a life or people that live them, then i fail to see how its relevant to the point made in this thread.