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Cake day: June 18th, 2023


  • Artificial Intelligence Analysis:

    The chin is situated near the area where the tongue and jawbone interact during speech. It’s possible that the chin provides a surface for the tongue to move against, allowing for more complex sounds and articulations. The development of language is believed to have occurred around the same time as the emergence of Homo sapiens. While other primates have similar facial structures, they don’t possess a distinct chin. This suggests that the chin might be related to the unique demands of human language.

    Bingo – other animals don’t have a chin because they didn’t invent languages like humans did for communication, and thus the demands of speaking weren’t evenly distributed.

    Next time on interesting questions 104: Why did homo sapiens develop language when other animals such as Corvids did not?

  • I’m sorry; AI was trained on the sole sum of human knowledge… if the perfect human being is by nature some variant of a psychopath, then perhaps the bias exists in the training data, and not the machine?

    How can we create a perfect, moral human being out of the soup we currently have? I personally think it’s a miracle that sociopathy is the lowest of the neurological disorders our thinking machines have developed.

  • Sorry. Most of that shit has been my fault, and people like me.

    In recent times, there’s been a push to reclassify certain disabilities from … disabilities, into “neurodivergence.” in an attempt to destigmatize certain disorders, and cast them in a new light as part of human evolution.

    The idea that life is a min-maxing situation comes from the “just world fallacy”, the fallacious belief that all good and evils “must balance out”. Someone born with some profound disability might have no overarching heartwarming lesson for society to learn, and life might just be about abject cruelty.

    I don’t know if the community appreciates or hates that change, but, I’ve seen autism go from being called something quite hateful (/r) in the 1990s, to becoming a spectrum, to people working with autistic people and just calling them “different”.

    The romanticization might come from movies like Rain Man, and the few high profile savant cases (on ASD), e.g: I recall speculation that Bill Gates and Elon Musk both had Asperger’s Syndrome.

    What’s your take on this?

  • That seems to require a level of foresight and planning that most corporations don’t have. That’s almost like a blueprint for failure when some middle manager changes the scope of a project with a hard coded time limit, IMO.

    Anyone interested in not-agile development? Maybe we can call it “Ship it when it’s ready” lol

  • The rich have problems paying just their regular owed taxes, nothing even exceptional; they draft legislation to lower their own tax rates while keeping taxes on labor the same.

    Why is capital gains taxed at a lower rate than income? Is sitting on a pile of money and watching it grow somehow more noble than sweating and hard work?

    I think a carbon tax is necessary but I think getting the responsible parties in our industrial world to actually pay it, would be extremely difficult. You’d never see such bipartisan cooperation in various governments until someone threatens the subsidies for the liquid black gold.

  • I had something like this happen at a corp I once worked at. The CTO said they were going to outsource their entire datacenter and support staff to India.

    I literally laughed in his face and obviously, got fired (always have 6-8 months of salary as an emergency fund, ahem-).

    I won’t name the company but when half the Internet went down and a few major services? Yeah, it was that asshat driving and running between the datacenters realizing people in Bangladesh can’t do shit for you physically.

    It’s like that graph: “Say we want to fuck around at a level 8, we follow this axis, and we’re going to find out at around a level 7 or 8”