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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • I’m not superstitious at all but out of habit I do tend to (moderately) follow a bunch

    Don’t put new shoes on the table Don’t open umbrellas inside Don’t walk under ladders Don’t walk over 3 drains Don’t pass people on the stairs Throwing salt over my shoulder if I spill some) Pointing out the good luck of being poop on by a bird Greeting/saluting a magpie


    Oh dear that’s a lot… maybe I am superstitious!

  • I do like all kinds of holidays. Relaxing with a book holidays, city breaks, friend boozy holidays, exhausting family holidays etc

    My ideal holidays though is a nature/wildness focused holiday (but staying somewhere nice… I can enjoy camping but it isn’t “ideal holiday” material). USA National Parks, Canadian Rockies, The Nordics, Safari etc

  • The biggest barrier I’ve seen around me from other Dads is mostly about positive father figures and the expectations of society of what it is to be a good Dad and supporting partner (this is also mentioned in the article which I agree with).

    I was absolutely shocked at the bare minimum that other Dads seem to do and get away with. People who I’d normally consider good,thoughtful and responsible people just seem absolutely oblivious to the struggles of their partner and what it takes to be a properly equal parent.

    Discussing it (gently… as it’s never my place to butt into other people’s parenting styles) the running theme was that they are using their own Dad as a sort of base line, trying to be genuinely better than what came before, that’s admirable …. But this base is often so low in terms of being “hands on” that changing the odd nappy and spending some time playing every now and again is seen as a big step up.

    There is also this feeling that somehow paid work is more important or harder than parenting work. Which is absolute nonsense for most jobs. “It’s my day off!” “I’ve finished work I want to relax” - Sorry but no, when you get home it’s now time to 50/50 parent at the very least. (Edit: somehow this view doesn’t reflect when Mum is also a working…. Dad needs a break as he’s finished work… but Mum doesn’t get a break when finishing work and has to go straight into parenting)

    Of course there are exceptions as long as both parents have really good communication and discuss what works for them and are both genuinely happy with the arrangement.

    This doesn’t reflect every situation and every Dad… I have Dad friends who are great and absolutely true 50/50 parents… but most that I know do sadly fall into what I’ve described.

    Society in general needs to be promoting positive role models for what fatherhood should be and stop with the bumbling idiot dad who’s only role is to “bring home the bacon” which is so outdated and generally harmful. We need that base line of being a good Dad to be higher… Basically we need more Bandits.

    I would argue though that if “Dads want to do more caretaking” they absolutely can. The barriers for Dads are much, much lower than the other side of the coin “Mums want to have a career”.

  • Just to answer your question:

    It’s quite a lot of data but not insanely important, it would be really inconvenient if I lost it but far from the end of the world. I’m looking at local backup because in the event of an entire hardware drive failure having to download all the data again over the internet would take an absolute age. Not that a cloud backup isn’t also good (I am using backblaze) in case the local backup drive also failed at the same time.

    I do however have other things that are really important which I already backup with multiple levels of cloud and local storage (such as family photos, secure documents etc) - I will check out tarsnap as well though as it sounds interesting Thank you

  • For these particular files I do also use Backblaze, that’s definitely useful if a subset of files were lost but having to download an entire 8TB hdd worth of data would be pretty painful with Backblaze (their physical hdd shipping isn’t really a good option as I’m not US based).

    In this case as the external drives were on offer I bought two of them with the intention of the second drive to be the backup. The files here aren’t really really important, but would be very annoying if I lost it all.

    For my truly critical files (things like family photos, secure documents etc) I have other multiple levels of backup, both with synced cloud services and local backups just to be safe. Backups upon Backups upon Backups there! (3 - 2 - 1 and then some)

  • Google is one of the worst offenders, with constant effort to force you to login, sponsored links etc but it isn’t unique to them.

    AI (or human) generated rubbish, optimised for SEO is making it harder and harder to find what you actually want. This isn’t entirely new, there has always been a battle but it does seem like now with the AI push they are winning and we (the users/consumers) are losing.

  • Thank you very much for posting this, for our first baby I’ve been using a tracking app because I just needed to use something and in the haze of sleep deprivation I was desperate. Looking back I regret all the data that was stored in there despite how useful it was to getting routines and being able to remember the important stuff while running on next to no sleep.

    We are expecting number two I’d like to be better and use something with a focus on privacy, security and simplicity (and isn’t full of horrible adverts or constantly pushing to referral shopping lists or blogs or other crap)

    Is there a way to support the author? If i end up using this I’d be happy to pay for it or donate or something.