A person with way too many hobbies, but I still continue to learn new things.

  • 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • 56 here, I discovered and was blasting through first season last Summer when I realized that was the only season so far so I started pacing myself… and then all the crap came down about it being cancelled and I was flabbergasted. I mean yeah it’s an animated series, that doesn’t mean it’s ONLY for children. Hell look at how many animated shows Star Wars has and I would never expect something “Bad Batch” to be marketed as a kids show. Prodigy feels more like DS9 to me, showing the really dark side of the Federation and things that slip through the cracks, it’s not the typical show where everything gets wrapped up in the last five minutes and you move on to the next episode, and I really love that. Hopefully it will get picked up for more seasons but meanwhile I’m taking my time going through the episodes.

  • It’s been a long time since I used Windows myself, however one of the big reasons for switching was the inherent instability. At once point I was developing code in Visual Studio and constantly loading/closing quite a few different programs to test things out. Windows just didn’t seem to handle memory-recovery and I would have to reboot every week or two (usually because of the whole OS locking up). In comparison, I run a variety of software on my linux machines which can involve anything from testing code in multiple browsers to image editing to 3D CAD drawings. Sure that tends to drain the memory but when I close something I get that memory back. I’ll frequently get down to the last 100K of RAM, close a couple programs that may be holding large caches (Firefox really hates me having hundreds of open tabs), and then I’m right back up and running again. Reboots may occur about every 6 months.

    I have to support other people using Windows at work, which reminds me how much I’ll never go back to it. My biggest frustration is that Microsoft is constantly changing things. Hell you can’t even directly reach the control panel any more, you have to run searches to find the specific item you want. Want to check the settings of a certain printer? Good luck, that doesn’t seem to be available in the right-click menu any more. It’s just all these idiotic changes making it difficult to actually use or maintain Windows. Why should I have to google how to find something when everything used to be under the control panel or a right-click away?

  • Back in the days when people still had floppies and cd drives in their computers, yeah things were dead-simple. You pop in a disk, format the hard drive, and walk away while the process completes. I miss that. The machines I’ve worked on in probably the last decade, it seems like I have to fight against the hardware every time I want to wipe the system or replace a failed drive. The last set of servers I got, I couldn’t figure out why the linux image (with full EFI settings) refused to even boot up properly. Turns out Dell had made these machines so you could easily boot a Windows installer from any of the external USB ports, but to install linux you had to use a hidden internal USB port. Once I found out about that then yeah the installation went as planned, but this is the kind of BS I’m referring to about manufacturers trying to prevent users from getting rid of Windows.