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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • It’s not low by some economist’s standards. It’s low by every economist’s standards. Economists don’t agree on much, but they agree on this. Under all circumstances in every economy there are always “a lot” of people looking for employment .

    Again, I don’t doubt or disagree with your assessment of your situation. Again, I support you. It’s not the economy making the safety nets so bad. There is plenty of money to pay for it, we just don’t. It’s not the economy attacking unions, it’s the employers and many politicians. It’s not the economy allowing companies to fire striking workers, etc. the economy is fine. It’s the labor system that’s broken, and no economy will fix that.

  • Ways like announcing his support of the union and intention to still go despite the canceled speech? Yeah, he did that. Harris could go, sure, but Biden is going.

    I never said his security is “too difficult”. I just takes time to work out the details and plan where he will go, how long he will be there, and how he will be protected. There is no need for him to announce specifics at right this fucking second anyways. Again, Biden is the only President who has ever walked a picket line with workers.

    I seriously don’t think you can be as dumb as you pretend. Another agenda is at play.

  • 4.1 is an exceptionally low unemployment rate. An unemployment rate of 1% would be beyond impossible to achieve and would certainly cause out of control inflation, yet there would still be over 3 million people unemployed. That’s still “a lot” of people. That’s not something that any economy fixes. Most of those people are going to be unemployed because they haven’t found the job they want, not because they can’t find any job. For instance, tech workers get laid off all the time and typically take their time finding the right next position.

  • I don’t doubt any of what you are saying and I support you. However “this economy” isn’t the problem. This current economy has been fueling the first expansion of union membership in decades. That doesn’t mean it’s going to help every worker in every industry, but that’s due to industry specific factors, not the economy as a whole.

    I don’t know your industry, and I don’t know what Biden might have done or not done to impact your situation. All I’m saying is that the broader economy isn’t the issue.

  • You seriously have no idea what you are talking about. Biden is not canceling his trip to Pennsylvania, he is just not speaking at the convention. The people on strike are the administrative staff for the NEA that is hosting the conference, and they have thanked him for “respecting our picket line and upholding union values!”

    The revised agenda for his trip has not been announced, but that’s hardly surprising with everything involved in last minute planning of a presidential visit. It’s almost certain though that he will meet with the union.

  • he said he wouldnt drop out unless “lord god” told him too.

    I don’t think that’s exactly a fair characterization. He was being given a list of one person after another with “what if X asked you to drop out?”. It would be complete idiocy for him to say yes to any of that. So, he used the “lord God” expression to make it clear that his answer wasn’t going to change. Whether or not he is open to dropping out, he’s not going to nod in that direction publicly unless he’s already decided to do it. Frankly, it was a dumb line of questioning.

  • This year they literally canceled the presidential primary in several states so, no, we don’t have a primary every four years.

    Radical consolidation of the media industry has largely killed independent journalism. There is a long list of media personalities who were taken off the air for daring to speak the truth. Anchors are selected to represent the establishment perspective on everything. Media ownership and the establishment work together to dominate the narrative. For profit or non-profit is irrelevant. PBS is now as captured as the private networks.

    New media caught the establishment by surprise and did manage to make inroads, but that has largely been brought under control. Democrats and Republicans cooperated long enough to pressure social media companies to tweak the algorithm to direct viewers to “trustworthy” news sources, a group that laughably includes FOX News and MS-NBC and excludes independent news providers.

    Electing Biden can’t preserve democracy where none exists. There was that study out of Stanford that showed zero statistical correlation between the policy desires of voters and what legislation gets passed. We have the facade of democracy, but no actual democracy.

    What we do have is the fight for Democracy, and that fight has a much better chance under Biden than Trump. That’s not a minor distinction. I will not get behind allowing the Democratic establishment to portray itself as the defender of Democracy. They are democracy’s enemies, and they are my enemies. The entire fight for democracy in an age of media manipulation is a fight to pull back that curtain. That fight doesn’t stop because of Trump.