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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • Distribution is Infrastructure, hence why the national grid is the national grid, and should remain so. Generation is a bulk commodity, and having bulk commodities in the hands of government alone is not a good idea. If the UK government were the sole body with the right to generate electricity we would probably still be a coal powered nation.

    You bring up food, but would you really want all farms nationalised? A total government monopoly on food production is the ideal in your mind?

    If something is ‘too big to fail’, then it should be mixed, with both public options and private. Two points of failure are better than one. This way you do not need to bailout the private sector unquestioningly at every market scare, nor does the entire country collapse after a few years of government malice/incompetence. Imagine how much more damage the Tories would do if they had control of all ‘Essentials to modern life and civilization’ instead of just the relatively small slice currently done by government in the UK.

  • I mean, Jevon’s Paradox works because the increased efficiency leads to decreased costs. It’s unclear if that’s going to be the case for electric cars because the hardware needed to get to that high efficiency is so expensive, and mostly made cost-effective by government assistance (I.e. eletric cars here in the UK do not pay road tax).

    I’m also not sure if lowered costs would massively change the number of drivers (at least in the developed world) in the EU there’s one car for every two people. We’re not going to see that become 5 cars for every two people just because the efficiency increases, demand is too inelastic.