People already think in Satoshis. It has been this way for many, many years.
People already think in Satoshis. It has been this way for many, many years.
The lightning network on bitcoin is where most people should be transacting with bitcoin. It won’t fill up with any number of users, transactions are instant(less than a second), and very cheap(even when bitcoin fees are high). Nearly everyone who talks confidently about how bitcoin can’t scale is unaware of lightning and other developments over the last 5 years.
There isn’t a government run currency on the planet that has come anywhere remotely close to performing as good as bitcoin in the last decade. Give me something that goes up in value over something that only “slowly” falls in value like the EU or USD.
It must be nice to have such an innocent view of the world. When powerful people stop average people from having conversations, it is not a good thing. It doesn’t matter how much the internet tells you socialism and dictatorships are good, stopping discussion is bad.
Yeah, except I have no agenda. I just find it interesting that people who act like a disgusting regime is somehow doing the lords work because they are shutting down millions of people from having discussions because people don’t like musks’ childish attitude. It’s just that it is hip to see who can hate musk the most. X is a popular way to immediately get what you want out to millions of people. Some governments don’t want people to openly discuss things, and siding with stopping discussion is disgusting.
It helps all of us if there are fewer echo chambers. I know, I know, to you it’s not an echo chamber, but sadly that’s exactly what it is when anyone who disagrees with the majority is ridiculed and their points are ignored. I understand the comfort of just agreeing with the majority to try to feel like you are always right, but it’s simply not real.
Sure, I have no problem with that.
Hypotheticals are not bad. Thought expirements are not bad. Repeating things you hear from people just because they tell you to, that’s bad.
Clearly. The 3x lol really makes that obvious.
Hypothetical. Look it up. It is commonly used in discussions. Don’t let new words scare you.
Yeah, commenting on someone’s comment they made about my comment isn’t personal. It’s interesting how you know you dislike what I said but can’t come up with anything to actually say about it. Maybe you should take that as an indication that you don’t actually know why you parrot the things you do.
You are absolutely right. Brazil is not banning the internet. Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.
Also, if the only way you can feel like you are “winning” a discussion is by changing what other people say, then you simply are not winning at all. You are writing fan fiction about yourself to try to feel clever. It backfired.
It is really great that you can make stuff up. Hypothetical questions have been useful for as long as people have discussed things. I’m sorry that this hypothetical question offended you so much, but it is entirely different than “making stuff up”.
Would you support Brazil if their government ordered a complete internet ban?
If this was a factory farm and people were maybe going to eat the animals after the torture, it would still be just as deprived. Remember this next time your order your burger or chicken strips. If you are disgusted by this, as you absolutely should be, then pay the extra 30% for fairly treated animals. If you don’t know where your food is coming from then it is probably from torturous factory farms.
You can do better and the animals deserve better. This isn’t even a call for veganism, just a call for making sure that the animals you eat at least get to live without being tortured like they are at nearly all factory farms. There is plenty of factory farm footage out there for anyone who wants to bury their heads in the sand and pretend like torture isn’t routine for most of the animals raised for meat.
The fact that it’s common doesn’t make it morally justified.
If my comment upsets you, then it is almost certainly your own actions that are actually upsetting you.
İ live in the 2nd world and am often in the third. You must have either been in a pretty unique place, or you are projecting your experience from long ago onto the current state of things. You just need to revisit and update your world view to modern times.
Been using it for decades, never an issue for me. What in the world are you trying to download over there??
Climate change is a separate issue.
It would be fantastic if people being abused by corrupt politicians and currencies was niche! It’s not though, there are hundreds of millions of people struggling with it. Billions depending on how you count it. It is a disease of the 1st world to be unable to accept that not everyone has the same privileges they enjoy. Human beings are literally starving to death and dying decades early due to poverty, Bitcoin is literally keeping them alive. Spoiled brats want them to die because they saw a headline that tells them to parrot that Bitcoin is bad. Where is your outrage over Christmas lights? How about video games? These things don’t save lives and transform existences like safe money does.
Nearly everyone who has bought Bitcoin and held are up, it has outperformed every stock, every currency, every investment on large enough time scales. Give me a volatile currency that goes up in value over volatile currencies that utterly collapse. Where is the outrage over the lira? Or any other currency that is down to 5% of itself that people are “supposed” to hold according to you?
There is a very good reason that you don’t have answers to these. It is because all you know on the issue is that you are not supposed to look to deeply and you’re supposed to mindlessly repeat that Bitcoin is bad without having any idea why. You are allowed to research, you are allowed to make your own decisions, you are allowed to talk to people in the 2nd and 3ed worlds. You are allowed to travel to these places and talk to people. Nobody forces you to repeat their BS, you just have to decide that you want to learn and then put in some effort.
I just looked it up, it looks like it is the a difference of 35% to 80% in the developed world.
Imagine this, you are forced to hold your wealth in corrupt government run banks. They often print tons of it for themselves, criminals are printing it, the government can seize it from anyone they want. You can try to store it at home, yourself, or you can give it to the banks. Now there is a third option, store it as Bitcoin. No need for risking it under your bed or with the corrupt banker politicians, and on top of those be victims to their inflation. Sure, your bank probably doesn’t often seize your money, and your currency probably isn’t rapidly devaluing even compared to the dollar, but if it was then you would probably think the energy is worth it.
Believe it or not, it can be and is used as both. If you have any other questions or things you think won’t work, just ask! A lot has happened in the last 5 years, and most issues people have with Bitcoin have been long ago solved. It is incredible how much different things are now, lots of old issues(like dealing with 0.0000015 issues) are no longer a problem.