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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2024

  • That’s an incredibly stupid argument.

    What else are you going to justify with “but it’s the law!” argument?

    People getting death sentences for rejecting Islam in Saudi Arabia?

    People being thrown in jails for being gay in Uganda?

    And don’t get me started on what was “the law” in Germany less than a century ago…

    Yeah, the only bad thing about Zelensky’s concentration camps is that it’s not written in the law, otherwise it would be all good and fine…

  • Why should the president of an invaded country have to negotiate with the invaders?

    To save lives? And land (the sooner the negotiations start the more land there will be left for Ukraine. If the peace deal was signed at the very beginning, none of the land captured after 2022 would be lost)? Obviously Zelensky doesn’t care about that, as long as he’s pocketing those sweet sweet billions from USA…

    They can leave and then it’s all over.

    But they aren’t leaving, are they?

    Putins been throwing prisoners on the front line.

    So funny that you mentioned it :) There was so much coverage about Putin doing this, and very little when Zelensky started doing it.

    He is notorious for locking up any vocal dissenter…

    And so is Zelensky. He disbanded every party he didn’t like, as a matter of fact he is way more authoritarian dictator than Putin - even if you consider Russia’s elections rigged, Zelensky won’t hold any elections at all.

    sooooo how are you not including him in this equation?

    Feel free to include him.

    It’s just mind blowing for me how much Zelensky terrorizes millions of people, and he is still considered a good guy. I guess it’s easy to glorify Hitler when you are not the one in Auschwitz.

  • Very telling that your only assassination recommendation was zelensky and not putin.

    Because the last time I checked, it’s Zelensky who for the whole duration of the conflict refuses any negotiation, not Putin. It’s Zelensky who turned Ukraine into a mass prison. It’s Zelensky whose regime kidnaps people on the streets and sends them to die.

    Followed up by only if trump wins? The only thing trump will do is shut off support to Ukraine

    That’s your opinion and nothing more than that. He promised to end the war by forcing both parties to negotiate. But even if he “shuts off support to Ukraine” - this will be the best thing for Ukrainians that happened in the last 3 years. Without western support, Zelensky won’t be able to terrorize Ukrainians anymore.

    Turn on English subtitles here and enjoy an ex colonel of AFU (generally an extremely pro-Ukrainian guy btw if you watch his other videos, you can’t claim this being a Russian propaganda ;-) ) talking about current anti-Ukrainian Ukrainian government turning Pokrovsk (and actually the rest of the country too) into a concentration camp: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=7AXSB_WnYV0

  • No one that matters cares about what either of those 3 countries has to say.

    Right, I’m sorry, silly me, I forgot that people outside of North America (and maybe Europe and a few more countries) don’t matter (I’m not sure if we can even call them people).

    Ukraine will continue to be supported by the west

    Yeah, this one is unfortunately true, the west will continue holding Ukrainians hostage in the mass prison that is Ukraine now and kidnapping them from the streets to fight their proxy war. I can only hope that this won’t last much longer :(

  • protecting Ukraine

    So, turning Ukraine into a mass prison that people are desperatly trying to escape, where people are kidnapped on the streets and sent to die on the frontlines? Can they somehow opt-out of this protection? Yeah, didn’t think so, obviously you know what’s better for other people.

    No rational person could think he intends to do anything but hand over Ukraine to Russia.

    Obviously it wouldn’t happen, just the current front lines would become the new borders.

    But even your bogeyman “hand over Ukraine to Russia” is still orders of magnitudes better for Ukrainians than the current situation.

  • I’ve installed the template of kali-core (available by default in the template manager), them create a qube with the kali-core template, and add all the apps available to the qube. Sadly I don’t have all the apps that are normally present into Kali. Such as Ettercap and Wireshark

    Maybe those apps are not installed by default in the template? Launch a terminal in the template and try to install ettercap and wireshark from there.

    not in the “default” template manager how do I use that?

    Never tried that, and I couldn’t find anything about installing templates from local files on qubes wiki :(
    Try qvm-template command in dom0 terminal and see if there are options to install template from local files there.

  • So how do I to install flatpaks? (Install flatpak CLI in the template and use it on the qube?)

    Dunno what is the proper way to install flatpaks, those few times when I actually need to use a flatpak, I just download it to an app qube and then launch it from terminal (I guess that’s what you’re doing as well?). I use Arch [btw] for some of my qubes, and installing mullvad browser is easy thanks to AUR :)

    Ah sorry, I actually confused flatpaks with AppImages. I don’t use flatpaks at all :(

    When I’m doing a Kali template it doesn’t give me all the apps that are present in Kali.

    Have you installed them in the template?

    And if I want to use Parrot?

    If there are no templates available, you will have to either create one or use HVM. Can’t help you with either though