I have my index working on fedora with minimal issues but vrwebhelper causes massive lag, crashes and once turned off I have jitter every time I turn my head. It is close but no cookie.
I have my index working on fedora with minimal issues but vrwebhelper causes massive lag, crashes and once turned off I have jitter every time I turn my head. It is close but no cookie.
I got banned for replacing radical lefts unhinged mass murdering posts key targets with those of radical light to drive home a point that they’re unhinged. Don’t get why reddit protects hate speech and calls for mass murders that have consistently led to the largest genocides in the world.
with a de facto totalitarian who attempted a coup at the helm, americans will finally understand for the first time what it means to be “free”. It will be like pulling out a rotten tooth: painful but it will get better. Once the civil war that is required to get trump out of office in 10 years is finished.
Surely 100 dollars out of your yearly taxes to start a pointless war on two fronts is better than 20 cents out of your yearly taxes to stop the greatest threat to human rights, ability for people to self govern and peace in europe against an enemy who has been interfering in everyones internal politics and threatening everyone with nukes constantly.
If your group can’t take a joke, your group is a joke. Especially if it is abusive imaginary parent who according to you does everything that is wrong with the world in order to “build character” and overall rules through fear only.