I mostly read things here. Sometimes I’ll write a thing. Outside of Lemmy, I read things. Sometimes I’ll write a thing. Like software documentation. Or maybe something else. Who knows what the day will bring.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Its specs and features include anodized aluminum body, double-shot PBT keycaps, Kailh MX Red switches, as well as multi-device connectivity.

    Like the thousands of other bog standard 60% keyboards. Looks like it’s primary “innovation” is offering multi-device bluetooth for $99 without swappable switchs, which makes me doubt that it’s anything close to “a masterpiece of elegance and performance”.

    Kinda tired of random other thing manufacturers deciding to enter the keyboard market by building the same goddamn thing as everyone else. You want to disrupt a market? Try making an ergo mechanical keyboard with swappable switches that won’t kill our wrists in 5 - 10 years for less than $300.

  • No. Not at all.

    Honestly, I hated the wire part of my wired headphones for years. I tend to listen to things while I’m doing chores around the house and I can’t tell you the amount of times the cable caught on something and sent my earbuds or my phone careening to the floor. Or was forced to untangle myself from a door knob. Or forgot I had earbuds on and stood up from my desk only to throw my phone to the ground.

    I went on a bit of a journey with bt headphones but eventually got a pair of Sony Linkbuds and a $30 Bluetooth thingy for my car that plugs into the aux jack, and never looked back. Every other day I plug the case in on my nightstand along with my phone. Nbd. Linkbuds don’t have the best sound quality I’ve ever experienced in BT buds, but the comfort wins over all others.

    I also recently got a pair of PineBuds Pro for $70 and man that battery case is legit. I only have to charge that beast once a week. Just waiting on someone to release a better sound profile for those things because they are BAASSSY. But beyond the bass, the potential sound quality is actually quite good. I’m looking forward to what the pine64 community does with these.

    I’ll also say that I have audiophile hearing (I’ve been tested) and I absolutely hear the difference in sound quality using BT and a good set of cans - when it comes to earbuds, the difference is negligible between wired and wireless. Given that 1. I’m more often listening to words than music from my phone and 2. The convenience, I’ll go for wireless more often than not if given the option. Plus, outside of niche phones and defunct LG phones, I never saw a headphone jack that could properly drive a good set of cans. There are way more output devices I would choose over a phone to drive high quality audio.

    That all said, do I think manufacturers should remove the headphone jack? No. Apple did it to sell more airpods. Everyone else did it to save a nickle on their costs. Just because I don’t use it doesn’t mean it should go away. If anything, there’s an accessibility element. BT buds are expensive. USB-C / Lightning buds are expensive. Aux buds are cheap. And wired buds are the easiest and cheapest way for someone to get audio out of a phone or talk on the phobe without fucking holding it in the air to broadcast their conversation to the world. And for that reason, I think the jack should ABSOLUTELY come back.

  • The movies did Faramir dirty.

    In the books, he immediately rejects the temptation of the ring after Frodo tells him of Boromir’s temptation, saying that a thing of the dark lord should not be used - thus proving how much stronger and wiser he was than his brother.

    Faramir is one of my favorite characters in the books - a black sheep that represents hope for humanity after a book and a half of being shown humanity’s failures. And he’s such a badass in RotK

    Peter Jackson weakened his character because of pacing and because he didn’t understand that stories need occasional bright spots of hope and it’s of the greatest sins of the movies IMO. Which is even more rediculous when you realize that Tolkien based the character on himself.

  • Um…pretty sure Deanna Troi was the one giving therapy to Jean-Luc. And she saw some shit during that voyage. Seriously, she needs her own counselor.

    I think it’s implied that DS9 had multiple counselors but they just aren’t bridge-level personel. Ezri later becomes the most prominent counsellor but we also see O’Brien going to therapy with Telnorri, so it’s implied the station does have dedicated mental health staff.

    I would say that technically should give DS9 the upper hand, but Miles’ experiences with Telnorri aren’t exactly great and it does seem like DS9 is always given the bare minimum by Starfleet.

  • Enough with the fan wars. Let’s be perfectly honest for once. Windows, Linux, MacOS - they all suck. Sometimes in similar ways, sometimes in different ways. But they all suck.

    Windows users - I get you, you use it because it sorta works 40%, of the time and sucks in the way you understand.

    Linux users - I get you, you know all of the arcane incantations you need to quickly install, update, and troubleshoot your os in a terminal window. It works - once you apply your custom bash script that applies every change you need to get everything exactly how you like it. But again, it sucks in the way you understand.

    MacOS users - well I don’t really get you. You know what you’ve done.

    We deserve better than this, guys. We deserve an os that just works, is easy to use, easy to configure, doesn’t require an IT degree to use, and that we can recommend to our grandma without a second thought.

  • Honestly, I couldn’t quite simpatize with her. She complains they were giving her too much to do?

    Unless you fully understand the effort involved in her reported daily and weekly quotas, you aren’t qualified to make an opinion on them. But what might make more sense to you is that LTT currently has a full team dedicated to what she was expected to do by herself.

    The biggest issue for me was her reports of a toxic work environment. When she would bring up concerns about her workload, they’d respond by insulting her and threatening her job. She even saw an instance where a coworker felt she was sexually harassed and Linus yelled at and berated her for being an idiot.

    My guess is that Linus is the owner and works like one, and wants everyone else to work as much as him.

    This is exactly the kind of boss that creates a toxic work environment. A good boss should be respectful of each employee’s strengths and limitations and foster an environment where everyone can contribute meaningfully without feeling unduely overburdened.

    A good boss encourages a healthy work/life balance.

    Yes, Linus is a workaholic. His work ethic is unhealthy. He has publicly acknowledged this on WAN show numerous times. If he expects his employees to work as hard as he does, then he is knowingly fostering an unhealthy work environment.

  • This video confirms what I’ve thought for a long time. The biggest problem with Linus Tech Tips is Linus.

    And the fact that the video even declares that it took Yvonne to put her foot down before any changes could take place confirms that LTT has a cult of personality that is damaging the brand and the team. And keeping Linus as a CVO isn’t going to change that.

    And of course, Madison’s accusations bring a whole new layer to the drama. A layer that should have been more obvious to me given that the only woman on that video was Linus’ wife.

    Also, anyone else find it funny that Gary Key made yet another mistake in this video - that Linus was the one that talked about testing every video - and not Gary’s own fucking team member? Also his little “I dont agree with EVERY criticism” was a bit too petulant and defensive for this video. Come on…

  • Watch GNs video. Steve goes through several instances where their handling of sponsorships is clearly inappropriate, beyond just investing in Framework.

    The biggest problem Steve points out is that LTT content is clearly biased from the beginning. They know exactly what angle they’re pushing for before they start writing/testing the video. Whether they are Short Circuit videos where they wave away and even apologize for issues they find in their review-not-a-review, or whether it’s Linus’ own content decisons where he decides that he hates a product before even starting work on a video and so refuses to give that product a fair shake.

  • The only validation you should expect and need is self-validation.

    Your work is absolutely valid and important. Your efforts are absolutely appreciated and worthwhile. But people are stuck in their own heads and work and stress and concerns and desires and validation loops and it takes actual work to break out of that to not only offer appreciation but to even realize that they need to offer it.

    And for that reason, you should also really appreciate anyone that validates you.

  • I fit somewhere between normie and conservative. Philosophically, I agree with the tech conservative, but I also have shit to do and when FOSS gets in my way, it’s hard to justify it.

    I use Firefox because it was an easy switch.

    I used Signal until they killed sms support. Sorry, most of the people I know use a default messages app. And the day I force everyone I know to use Signal is the day they stop talking to me.

    I dabble in Linux, but I main Windows because I’m not a programmer or IT admin. I know how to use it, for better or worse, and I don’t have to memorize terminal commands to perform even basic tasks. Sure, gaming is getting better on linux, but it’s still a compromised experience and I still, to this day, have to look up tutorials and terminal command every time I try to do anything on my Linux box.

    But…wherever possible, I use FOSS software.

    I like to call it the tech pragmatist. I agree with the conservative, but I’m not that smart and I got shit to do.

  • There’s a lot of good examples in the comments, but the few Ive ran into were more indifferent thsn anything - like, they never heard anything that appealed to them. One guy I knew actively avoided music because it’d get stuck in his head and drive him nuts.

    They seemed normal otherwise, for the most part. But they knew that disliking music was weird and were a little insecute about it.