
  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • My trait is I think cars are too digital and should be analogue. Giant touch panels are distracting and have generally bad UI design. You can control an A/C with 3 dials, 4 if you have zones and don’t need to look down at all. Pinnacle of engineering.

    I will never own a car that has features behind a paywall or that I can’t directly control. Computer cars are fine as long as I have root.

  • Interesting. I took MDMA is in college once. It wasnt a game changer or anything.

    Now LSD. The one time I did that, it definitely altered the “lens” i viewed the world in, for the better. I did this with some friends to make sure it wasnt a bad trip, but mostly in solitude. Im not sure that it really changes much of my political leanings, but i did have some deep introspective thought and it did affect how I viewed others and the world, and generally in a more empathetic way.

    That said, after having some friends that arguably abused it, i avoided too many more further interactions with it which was good. Because around the 4th time I did it, i was in a bad way, and had an awful trip, which turned me off to most mind altering substances for a while.

  • From my perspective as a user that has been on reddit for a while, its been on a downhill slide for a long time now. The moderation mechanisms there are really becoming the downfall. Its like police or politicians, the position attracts the very qualities that would make you unsuitable for such authority.

    I am also unsure what most of the 2000+ employees do, because by all accounts they are generally unresponsive to both users and mods alike when they reach out. This is as true now with the API stuff and small devs not getting traction to work with them, as it has been in the past and was a major reason there was backlash when Victoria was let go.

  • I agree with most of what you said. I would say classifying SVB as a seizure is probably not accurate. The FDIC only came in when it was clear SVB was going to fold and in fact insured far more than the 250k per account guaranteed. Mainly to try and stem a run on midsize banks because

    1. Many companies had large holdings, undiversified in these banks

    2. The banks were borderline negligent with how they handled those deposits, sticking them all in “safe” government bonds that ruins liquidity.

    Once the interest rate on the bonds was lower than the base borrowing rate, no one would buy the bonds instead of just buying new bonds with a much higher guaranteed return.

    So, given that, I would say the FDIC instead bailed out the banks. Something they would never do for you or I, or even a business with similar valuation as any of the banks customers.