Should clarify that what I meant with it making sense in the UK is that their election system results in that the party that get most seats usually get over 50%, which means that “winning” and winning often become the same thing. Except 2017, when the Tories only lacked 5 seats to have over 50%, and 2010, when the Tories and LibDem were in a rare coalition, so do you have to go all the way back to 1974 to find another election where the party that “won” did not get over 50% and 1923 to find an election where the party that “won” de facto lost. Hence, I do understand the use of that language there, as it usually is relevant who “won”.
An alternative title had been “Trump accepts millions in bribes”. $75mn of those from one fraudster who seem to have bought himself a “Get Out of Jail Free card” https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/28/business/crypto-mogul-trump-coins-civil-fraud-charges/index.html