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[Song: Civil War]

  • 106 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 5th, 2023

  • It was known by people that read and listen to independent journalists. Good to see main stream media finally talking about this possibility.

    Here are some short videos where it is mentioned:

    1. Hostage families accuse Israeli army of killing loved ones [06:22 | JAN 30 24 | The Grayzone]
    2. Prof Mearsheimer: IDF killed a ‘good number of Israelis’ on October 7 [01:33 | DEC 18 23 | Middle East Eye]

    The Grayzone’s Max Blumenthal and Aaron Mate discuss new allegations by family members of Israelis held in Gaza that the Israeli military is deliberately killing their loved ones in order to prevent a prisoner swap and prolong the war.

    Renowned scholar Professor John Mearsheimer recently asserted that on October 7th, it was the Israeli regime, not Hamas, responsible for the deaths of many Israelis. He also delves into their official “Hannibal doctrine,” which involves the controversial practice of killing their own people.

    This was not the first order given by the division with the intent of foiling kidnapping even at the expense of the lives of the kidnapped, a procedure known in the army as the “Hannibal procedure.”

    This is the procedure when an enemy invades Israeli territory, upon which a division commander can assume extraordinary authority, including the employment of heavy fire inside Israeli territory, in order to block an enemy raid.

    “Everyone was shocked by the number of terrorists who had penetrated the base. Even in our nightmares, we didn’t have plans for such an attack. No one had a clue about the number of people kidnapped or where army forces were. There was crazy hysteria, with decisions made without any verified information,” he continued.

    “Everyone knew by then that such vehicles could be carrying kidnapped civilians or soldiers,” a source in Southern Command told Haaretz. “There was no case in which a vehicle carrying kidnapped people was knowingly attacked, but you couldn’t really know if there were any such people in a vehicle. I can’t say there was a clear instruction, but everyone knew what it meant to not let any vehicles return to Gaza.”

    Over all the months that have passed, the IDF has refused to say whether this procedure was employed against civilians who had been taken hostage. It now seems that even if the answer is positive, the question may have been only a partial one. The actions of Hiram may have simply been congruent with the way the IDF operated that day.

  • jimmydoreisalefty@lemmy.worldtopolitics @lemmy.worldBiden Must Resign
    4 days ago

    Edit: grammer and format, improved a bit

    The Republican or Republican-lite candidates would never give up their power to help the working class unless they were forced to.

    Be it Trump or Biden, they will continue to fight for more endless wars, where the working class is sent to die for owner-class profits.

    The American right has spent every day since Biden was nominated in 2020 presenting him as an incompetent, doddering old fool, incapable of discharging the responsibilities of the office. Biden’s task at the first presidential debate, on Thursday, was to dismiss those allegations as mere smears, as he did in 2020. Instead, he confirmed that he has aged dramatically over the past four years. Biden was very old to begin with, and at the debate he appeared far more visibly diminished than he has in the past.

    The left has been telling the Republican-lites since the beginning; that is why there was a push for other Republican-lite candidates in the primary.

    The earlier Biden resigns, the faster the Democratic Party can move to reunite behind the new nominee and concentrate its efforts on keeping Trump from returning to the White House. Harris would become the party’s presumptive nominee, enjoying the prestige and advantages of incumbency. She is also the only candidate who can legally access the financial war chest the Biden campaign has amassed. As Brian Beutler writes, “it’s impossible to identify the most prudent path forward with certainty.” There is no clear way to know if Harris is a politically riskier option than Biden. But if Biden’s mental state is as bad as it appeared at the debate, then there is no other choice.

    Harris seems to be much worse in polling than 2016 Hillary Clinton…

    Some Democrats fear the prospect of a Harris candidacy—perhaps even enough to wish for Biden to hang on until the election, despite the dangers. They worry that she will only exacerbate the appeal of Trump’s implicit promise to restore racial and gender hierarchies. Indeed, Trump’s brain trust designed his 2016 campaign around the belief that the recent Republican nominees John McCain and Mitt Romney had failed to mobilize demoralized white voters because they had not been overtly racist enough, and that the path to victory lay through deliberate racial polarization.

    But the simple fact remains that if one believes Biden cannot campaign or debate successfully, then he cannot run the country presently. The Constitution contemplates a scenario in which someone would need to take the place of a president who is so diminished, and that someone is the vice president. Biden should step aside from both the campaign and the presidency, and allow Harris to take her best shot at saving the country from those who would destroy it.

  • “If you’re looking across all of the hominids, which is the family tree after the split with chimpanzees, there [are] not really that many traits that we can point to that we can say are exclusively human,” Duke University’s James Pampush tells Robert Siegel for NPR. “[T]hose animals all walked on two legs. The one thing that really sticks out is the chin.”

    One of the most popular ideas is that our ancestors evolved chins to strengthen our lower jaws to withstand the stresses of chewing. But according to Pampush, the chin is in the wrong place to reinforce the jaw. As for helping us speak, he doubts that the tongue generates enough force to make this necessary. A third idea is that the chin could help people choose mates, but sexually selective features like this typically only develop in one gender, Pampush tells Siegel.

    The spandrel hypothesis is as good a theory as any, but it too has its problems. It’s hard to find evidence to test if something is an evolutionary byproduct, especially if it doesn’t serve an obvious function. But if researchers one day do manage to figure out where the chin came from, it could put together another piece of the puzzle of what makes us different from our primate and Neanderthal cousins, Yong writes.

  • Edit: grammer and phrasing, improved a bit

    Edit2: removed, “People showing up to rallies is one thing, but l”, explaining zip code differences, not mentioned in article, it would be interesting to see data though

    Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that the polls do not show differences when looking at poll data from 2020 vs. 2024.

    Let us see if certain groups of people who supported Joe in 2020 will be showing up to vote in November 2024.

    It is not just Black Americans or Latino Americans where we are seeing a shift when looking at 2020 vs. 2024 data.

    It seems to be a barebones article, but it does have some information:

    “The roundtable setup featured Representative (and Trump V.P. wannabe) Byron Donalds, former Trump Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson, and Representative Wesley Hunt in attendance,” she writes. “The seats were positioned in a semi-arc facing a gaggle of cameras and sea of white people, and everyone looks abundantly unenthused to be there.”

    Jane goes on to explain how the Atlanta event was just one of a string of failed Black voter outreach efforts.

    “In May, Trump hosted a small rally in the Bronx to gin up the Black vote after an even smaller appearance at a Harlem bodega in April,” she writes. “And in June, Trump appeared at a Black church in Detroit before skipping off to a white nationalist convention. The church stunt was a flop: At least half the audience was white, none of the attendees reporters spoke with were actual congregants, and the megachurch’s pastor said people laughed in his face when he scrambled to find people to fill the pews for the event.”

  • I decided to quote additional information from the source above, for those curious:

    What makes bird poop white?

    As birds do not have separate organs for urinating and defecating, all waste is excreted through one single opening called a cloaca. The cloaca serves as an entrance for reproductive purposes, for laying eggs, and as an exit point for excretion of bodily waste. The white sticky paste pooped by birds is uric acid, the equivalent of pee for birds.

    What type of bird poops white?

    The droppings of all bird species will contain some extent of the white uric acid component, but the rest of the feces may also be colored according to the bird’s diet.

    Is bird poop toxic to humans?

    Bird poop carries more than 60 different diseases, the majority of which are connected to parasitic infections, including ringworm, chicken mites and bed bugs.

    Is it good luck to have a bird poop on you?

    The superstition is said to have originated in Russia, where many people believe that the chances of getting pooped on are so low that it must mean that good fortune lies ahead. If a bird poops on your head, then you are truly blessed.

    Can bird poop make you blind?

    If you get bird poop in your eye, it may cause discomfort and itching, and it’s recommended to rinse it with clean water as soon as you can. Health risks from contact with bird poop are very rare but can have serious consequences. It’s important to seek medical advice if you are concerned.

  • I say, test both of them!

    They should both be tested for drugs often, the working class is forced to undergo drug testing, why not the owner class as well, they are ‘civil servants’; by multiple people and organizations, that would be fun to see differences in reports and writeups, even more if data is shown on what chemicals are in their system.

    The claims arrive as Trump himself changes his tune on how well Biden may perform at the CNN debate. Having previously called Biden the “worst debater I have ever faced,” Trump recently told the All-In Podcast that the president will be a “worthy debater” and that he does not want to “underestimate” Biden on Thursday.

    “If President Biden needs to take performance enhancing drugs in order to participate in this week’s debate, then it is imperative that he and his physician disclose that to the American people,” Jackson said. “CNN’s people leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016,” Grenell posted on X. Grenell was making reference to previous reports on how former chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave notice to Clinton’s team about a debate question ahead of her 2016 debate with Trump.

    “CNN’s people leaked debate questions to Hillary Clinton in 2016,” Grenell posted on X. Grenell was making reference to previous reports on how former chair of the Democratic National Committee Donna Brazile gave notice to Clinton’s team about a debate question ahead of her 2016 debate with Trump.

    Responding to the incident, Leavitt told Newsweek: "CNN cutting off my microphone for bringing up a debate moderator’s history of anti-Trump lies just proves our point that President Trump will not be treated fairly in Thursday’s debate.