One of the requirements is full secureboot and recovery arrangements that didn’t exist when I installed back in the 8 days. Now I can reinstall over the old drive and that will do all the plumbing that enables 11. So the hardware is 11 compatible, but the existing software install isn’t.
*Edit to answer the question, no, it’s not too late. Most compatible CPUs have a lesser firmware TPM, but most mobos have a slot for a vendor specific hardware TPM. Which is what I got.
There’s magic and then there’s complexity in tech (at least this is how I think about it).
Video calling, pure magic, simple to use with major benefits.
Complex business management software that requires a degree to use? Complexity almost for complexity’s sake to lock an organisation into a support contract.
Web stores? Usually magic, especially with refined payment processing and smooth ordering. Can verge into over complex coughAmazoncough.
Internal network administration (Active Directory) and cloud tech, often complexity for complexity’s sake again.