I see. You need either IPSEC/OVPN or need to encapsulate wireguard in an SSL tunnel. It’s a little involved but possible to do
I see. You need either IPSEC/OVPN or need to encapsulate wireguard in an SSL tunnel. It’s a little involved but possible to do
How do they plan to “ban” encryption? What are they going to do if I get a VPN and download the Signal APK?
I’m on Debian. Which RSS reader do you use? Is there a fuzzy search for YouTube?
I honestly don’t think EU and Asian leaders have the balls to do this (because the American government will support American companies if it comes down to it). Tougher fines that are difficult for the tech giants to swallow should be the first step
Malicious delays should be recognised and interest should be charged as an additional percentage. Also, the EU is hardly doing enough. It’s like they’ve been bought by these companies
Can you explain your setup? I’m interested
Companies like this need to be criminally charged, but we know that’s not going to happen
Which boycott? Random Joe over there is handing over his SSN to ChatGPT no problem
Agreed. I wonder if they are just too scared to actually do this
AI companies should be fined percentages of their total worth by the government whose artists they are taking advantage of. For example: Japanese government penalises OpenAI 50% of their net worth for every image which is even marginally similar to any publishing house in Japan. And they should be very lenient about taking on these cases.
I want OpenAI, Microsoft, Google, Facebook and IBM to get fucked so bad they won’t even dream of coming back and doing this. I don’t know why the EU penalises these companies in monetary amounts. They should be putting rules like a certain percentage of your company for a certain type of wrongdoing.
TBH if Japan or other asian countries bleed these companies dry they will be sitting on an immense sum of money which will propel them to superpowers in their own right. It’s a win-win for everyone
Thank you for the explanation. It would suck to put down money just to run a nym relay. I was interested in lokinet too but I wouldn’t want to spend more than a small VPS, really
Alright thanks
I see. Thanks
I thought they were using the USB protocol. Thanks
Oh. I thought they were using USB. Thanks
PCIe to USB and back to PCIe like what the miners use? Isn’t that unreliable long-term?
Impressive, I didn’t know AirVPN accepted XMR. That greatly influences my decision about them vs PIA and others. I wanted a VPN which I could pay for anonymously and could torrent with (open ports)
I cannot see any decent PCIE X1 to X16 risers on amazon. Everything is USB based which I don’t want
We need something better than Anubis that can run with JS disabled