It’s so they don’t have to follow official records keeping policies.
It’s so they don’t have to follow official records keeping policies.
Identity politics. They see an attack against a conservative brand as an attack against themselves.
if we don’t figure out how to de-escalate
That’s the crux of the issue. The only way to deescalate against a “might makes right” approach is to match violence with violence. Rolling over and “taking the high road” will just end up with the violent people continuing to be violent because they didn’t have any consequences the last time. “De-escalating” can’t be done by giving the bully your lunch money, because they’ll just be back again tomorrow.
You at least need to make yourself an unattractive target, so they’re likely to go bother someone else instead. Even if you don’t totally stop the behavior, you at least need to send a strong “if you fuck with me specifically you will have problems” signal. Even if you don’t stop the bully, you at least ensure that you’re not the target.
That’s a large part of why the Black Panthers got started. People realized that peaceful unarmed protests would get violently busted by the cops. In contrast, peaceful heavily armed protests would have cops politely watching from across the street.
Exactly. It shouldn’t have even been an issue, because the crew is supposed to make sure the passengers sitting in the exit rows are able and willing to actually pop the hatches open in the event of an evacuation.
During an evacuation, plane rows are too crowded for attendants to be able to get to the doors and open them. Know how you’re stuck in the plane waiting for everyone to de-board after the flight? Attendants have to deal with that when evacuating. So the passengers need to be the ones to actually pop the hatches and start clearing the plane.
They 100% will notice, because the rural areas (which tend to be the most deeply conservative) will be the most heavily impacted. The USPS is the only reason many rural houses can reliably and inexpensively get mail. Shipping rural mail via UPS or FedEx often costs $20-50, if they’ll deliver it at all; Many rural areas are redlined by the shipping companies, because the companies don’t want to send trucks an hour and a half out of the city just for a single package. From a cost standpoint, that’s a three hour round trip for very little benefit. They’ll literally refuse to deliver the package, and tell the customer that the address is outside of their service area.
Shipping to those same addresses via USPS costs like a dollar.
But yeah, they’ll just blame Biden and continue voting red.
Yeah, I had to work backwards for this one…
Conversion therapy = bad.
Banning conversion therapy = good.
Overturning the ban on conversion therapy = bad.
Vetoing the overturning of the ban on conversion therapy = Good… I think?
This is the answer. It’s freely accessible, and duplicated across servers all over the world so it’s difficult for copyright claims to take down.
The shelves aren’t even empty. There are thousands of eggs in my local grocery stores. Every single store near me has eggs that are nearing expiration, which means people aren’t buying them. People are seeing the asinine prices, and opting to eat less eggs.
But the issue is that producers have realized they can blame the specter of inflation or supply chain issues to charge whatever the hell the want. Let’s say they charge $2 per carton, and can reliably sell five cartons at that price. Or they can charge $6 per carton, and reliably sell two cartons. With the latter example they make more money and pay less in shipping since they only had to ship 2/5 the stock. So why wouldn’t they just find an excuse to sell them at $6 per carton? That’s just economics 101.
Yeah, the only feasible way to do satellite warfare without creating a ton of debris is to mechanically attach to an enemy satellite and drop it out of orbit.
Like imagine an autonomous attacker satellite that clamps onto the target satellite, and uses thrusters to drop itself (and the target) into the ocean. Any kind of kinetic weaponry to destroy the target satellite will just end up with a debris cloud around the earth, making future space travel impossible.
But no country wants to invest in satellites just to intentionally drop them out of orbit. Every single attack would be prohibitively expensive when compared to just firing a missile at the satellite.
Calibre doesn’t natively support reading DRMed files, but there are anti-DRM plugins which are trivial to install. You need to provide a legitimate Kindle serial number for Amazon DRM, as it uses that to de-encrypt the files. When you add the file(s) to your library, the plugin automatically runs as a file conversion. It basically converts it from a DRM-locked .epub/.azw3 to a DRM-free .epub/.azw3 instead. Since Calibre already has file conversions built in, the plugin simply uses that existing system to spit out a DRM-free version of the same file, then it adds that to your library instead.
It’s laying the groundwork for “if you complain we’ll take your benefits away completely, because you’re a fraudster” instead.
Even better, wear loose generic clothes like a long black skirt and a baggy long sleeve shirt.
Investigators can narrow down suspects by using security footage to measure things like femur or forearm length. Baggy clothes make this much harder to do, because you can’t see exactly where the joints are. It introduces a lot of reasonable doubt that your defense lawyer can use to tear apart any video evidence they present.
Or give the awards directly to the credited teams, and not to the companies.
We don’t give Oscars to film companies. Imagine if an actor won an Oscar for a movie role, but didn’t walk up on stage to get it because they were already working on another movie. Sounds asinine, right? So why is it accepted in the game dev community?
Yup, Voyager feels like the spiritual successor to Apollo. It feels like I never left.
I personally prefer tools that exist in the fourth dimension. It really makes blind-hole taps a thing of the past.
You can disable the streaming completely if you really want to. It’s in your preferences, under the “Online Media Sources” section. You can disable it for only managed users, or disable it completely if you don’t even want access to it via the admin profile. Or just move it farther down the list, or hide it completely by unpinning it as a source.
Because running it on your router gives you access to the entire network of devices, not just the Jellyfin server.
Not in the way you’re probably thinking, no. The VPN (like Proton) will be isolating devices from each other. This is by design, so you don’t end up in situations like different customers seeing each other on the network.
Your router might be able to act as a VPN host. This would allow you to connect to your home network from anywhere, and use it just like you would use a service like Proton. And if your home network is set to allow devices to see each other, then you could see your Jellyfin server. See if your router can run Tailscale or can act as a WireGuard (or OpenVPN) host. Tailscale will be the most straightforward approach, but not everything can run it. Worst case scenario, you could just run Tailscale directly on your Jellyfin server.
The big issue with requiring a VPN is that it makes remote access on some devices difficult or damned near impossible. For instance, good luck getting a smart TV to run Tailscale. Tailscale will be fine for things like phones, laptops, or tablets. But if you have a smart TV you want to remote view things on, you may need to consider a reverse proxy instead. And a reverse proxy is such a rabbit hole that it would deserve its own post.
Yeah, this is the unfortunate truth. Jellyfin’s setup will never be as simple as Plex, purely because the simple setup requires a centralized server to coordinate things. And Jellyfin is built specifically to rebel against centralization. Plex is easy because the company has servers set up specifically to handle the remote access handshake.
Blockchain is a ledger, not a database.