Guess who’s having all his windows boarded up shut?
Guess who’s having all his windows boarded up shut?
The corpse of that turtle is still going to vote for Trump.
The guy would walk in the dressing room of the Miss TEEN USA pageant, that he owned, while they were changing. Of course he’s groped minors. Unfortunately, there won’t be a video of this happening. Guaranteed.
That’s code for “I’m fleeing the country and moving to either an underground bunker or a one story home with no windows, so I don’t “accidentally” fall out of one.”
What a whiny bitch.
He’s absolutely talking about all of us, no matter what our citizenship status is. That lady and all those who support him will be the first ones to get shipped the fuck outta here because they already have their addresses and phone numbers. There’s a special place in hell for people that sell out their own kind.
Literally laundering money to his campaign. Nothing will happen.
That’s one way to waste 75 million bucks.
Fuck Jerry Seinfeld.
Jacob Wohl and Jack Burkman. Guaranteed they’re behind this.
Would it tho?
His legal bills, duh!
Good luck with that.
Barely. They need to call out the lunatics like MTG. Reps and Senators. By name.
Alex should be more concerned about which dumpster he’s gonna have to dive into to get his next meal, and not about hurricanes.
Ideally, prison time.
The dumbest people on the planet.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Good. Fuck ‘em.
He will contest it no matter how badly he loses.
Couch fucker says what?