• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 1st, 2023


  • You’re missing the point. I don’t really care about Winamp. It’s ancient and probably used by about 15 grandpas. The point is the behavior of the people in the issues and pull requests. It’s possible to be polite, but firm and bring a point across. Right now it looks like a pack of dogs barking around thinking they’re witty and clever for doing so.

    Projects are not entitled to be received gratefully and respectfully if you treat open source devs like a disposable source of free labour.

    Nobody’s forcing anybody to do anything. You’re not forced to contribute in any way shape or form. Winamp hasn’t hired anybody there to write code under bad conditions. Justifying bad behavior “because the other side is doing it” (which isn’t true btw) is just weak.

    Anti Commercial-AI license

  • I know you mean well, but you don’t provide solutions of any kind. Simply saying the equivalent of “we should be better to fellow humans” isn’t going to change the world. It’s a platitude.

    How do you propose we help the people currently suffering? We just let them suffer until society figures out how to help them? Unite arms and block suicide machines because “they are an easy way out and we should be helping them instead”? Sure, you’re absolutely right, we should be helping them all now, but that’s not how change works. It’s not immediate. While we figure this stuff out, a bunch of people are going to suffer and die painfully.

    Also, even if the cynical ending is “the government promotes suicide to get rid of the weak”, I’d argue it’s better than suffering until death.

    Anti Commercial-AI license