I won’t. You can’t kill rock and roll!
I won’t. You can’t kill rock and roll!
As Tywin Lannister said “Any man who must say, “I am the King”, is no true king.”
Any man who goes around telling everyone they’re brave, probably isn’t brave. In fact it’s incredibly cringe.
A cringe country full of cringe people who say one thing but do another. Claim to stand for freedom, democracy, and liberty whilst oppressing all of those things both at home and abroad.
Land of the cowards.
I think it’s moved on to “Fuck the U.S.A.” by The Exploited by now.
Fuiam Catha by Oi Polloi from 1999.
Despite the Gaelic name, only one song is in Gaelic. The rest is in English.
Pro-environmentalism, anti-fascist, Scottish anarcho-punk.
Fuiam Catha means Sound of Battle.
He’s centre right, of course he dislikes communism.
“Remember, Sully, when I promised to kill you last? I lied.”
I don’t know what your experience with gardening is, so I might be preaching to the choir here. But if it helps, No-Dig Gardening is a method that lets nature do a lot of the hard work for you.
America is racist.
Not every American, obviously.
But as a nation, institutionally, America is racist.
Some times it’s more so than others, but it always is, to varying degrees throughout its history.