Dodecahedron December

I try things on the internet.

rarely, shit just works.

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 5th, 2023


  • A spellchecker takes input from humans and uses that input to match against a database of known words to suggest correct words using that word’s proximity to the known words. Modern spellcheckers are able to tokenize a corpus of words written by the device’s owner and use that corpus to determine what word is likely to follow the previous word. Most phones these days do this.

    Modern AI takes a corpus of data, tokenizes it, feeds each token into a neuro-network to determine the next token that is likely to follow the previous token.

    Graphical AIs do similar work but there’s more variables to alter to “weigh” what pixel value would likely be present based on surrounding pixel values and the noise present in that seed, along with the other values. The corpus in this case would be a library of digital graphical works that is interpreted as a graphical work (e.g., a matrix of pixel color values). Sound AIs work similarily but with digitized sound as data.

    What do I misunderstand?

  • You might be right but that’s a weird stance to take.

    I just wish everyone understood that hosting a website that lets thousands of anonymous people talk and post whatever they want can be anxiety-provoking. Imagine waking up and the front page of the site you own is hosting CSAM or being served a legal document that you’re now being sued by CompanyX over hosting of pirated content.

    The dark web, p2p networks, bittorrent etc all exist to fly somewhat under the radar, and they seem to be less closely regulated because they require a certain level of experience to even use. The web and apps in the app store on the other hand are easily accessible with a few clicks or taps and not much knowledge. I’ll just say that I’ve worked as a web developer for different companies and whenever we had “DCMA takedown requests” we usually had one of the higher-ups walk over to our desk and waited until they knew all copies of those files were completely removed from their servers. I’m just talking about things like breaking embargo and showing images of a product before it’s been released, not piracy or CSAM. Now figure the instance owners likely don’t have a legal team of their own, so even the threat of a lawsuit means no more instance for everyone.

    Nothing right or left wing about that. People don’t like getting sued and having to lose everything.