• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • He isn’t a party. He’s a candidate running as an independent. And he’s a symptom of the two party, FPTP system being screwed up.

    I haven’t been keeping track of how he’s polling to debate him being “at the front of the queue”, because the two party FPTP system means he’s an also-ran as long as either party exists at all. And, also, there’s no way in hell any of the die hard democrats would throw their vote to him, nor would anyone that isn’t already going to among independents or swing voters.

    What would happen if the democrats field a pointless candidate is a loss that puts trump in office. You might get some fleeing to vote green party, but that aren’t guaranteed blue votes are just going to stay home.

  • Well, if you are seriously defending someone dead naming people on purpose, nobody worth a damn cares about your opinion.

    To answer your question, there’s two parts. First, it doesn’t matter where it is, shitty behavior means you aren’t allowed back. Reddit, lemmy, your house, my house, a bar, you ignore yr rules you get thrown out and not allowed back in.

    Second, reddit is reddit. The site/company has been like that for ages, so anyone acting surprised by it are idiots, and anyone still using it when the company has repeatedly shown they will do exactly what op described is a masochist and/or an idiot.

    Now, you can be as tired of it as you like, we don’t owe each other a gods damned thing. But OP was a moron, and deserved to be out on their ass. Any rational adult is aware that words have consequences. Any rational adult knows that if one breaks the rules of a community, one will be rejected from that community. This is not calculus, it’s 2+2. So, when an adult does something bone headed and gets ejected, they need to be an adult and move on without whining about it.

    Also, it wasn’t a very intelligent question. It was phrased poorly, and reflects limited thinking. That, btw, is patronizing and judgemental as well ;)

  • Oh damn, can of worms opened!

    My pockets carry is wallet, keys, two knives, emergency meds, bandana, and edc kit.

    Keychain has two mini tools on it, one a knife pick (I can explain later if anyone cares) and a key tool from from niteize.

    Edc kit is in a generic edc pouch. Lighter, mini multi tool, workkos aaa flashlight, mini pry bar that was a gift (never would have bought one), and a little whistle that has a storage tube with a sewing kit in it, plus a smaller knife than the two I keep clipped to my pocket.

    Yes, that’s three knives, wanna fight about it? ;) hell, it’s four if you count the useless blade on the mini multi tool.

    I also carry a smaller flashlight around my neck on a bead chain. It is incredibly useful, and I highly recommend this form of carry. Mine is an olight keychain light, the i3eeos. Single aaa battery, decent output and battery life. But it hangs just right to illuminate things where I would otherwise have to hold a light in my mouth, or have a headlamp. I use it multiple times a day sometimes, what with piddling around the chicken coop and whatnot.

    Seriously, it is the second most used item I carry. It would be the first, but my main knife gets used hard in the yard lol. It’s an old benchmade 710.

    Now, I also have two carry kits for other supplies. A shoulder bag and a backpack. That’s stuff that isn’t pocket carry possible, and/or would only be useful if I’m away from home and get stuck overnight, or in specific use cases that are annoying enough to merit the carry.

    The big bag has all the same stuff as the little, with extras.

    Little bag has a “device kit” with power bank, cables, etc. Pens, pencil, better multi tool, bigger flashlight (still hand sized, but there’s throws better light), bigger sewing kit, pill case with my regular meds for two days worth, and a mini 1st aid kit, plus whatever I decide to throw in.

    The backpack adds a poncho that can double as a blanket, a usb bank as well as power bank, a bigger knife, some basic emergency food ( granola bars usually, plus some water purification tablets), and has room for various devices, including a laptop and multiple tablets or phones. That’s what I have with me when going more than a half hour from home, always. The smaller bag is for in town carry.

    And don’t get me started on my car kits. Seriously, don’t ask, in not typing that much lol.

    EDC for me is bare minimum preparedness for an individual. Each “tier” of carry represents having what i need for a given span of time and minor issues that arise often enough to merit the weight.

  • Well, once one in an adult, it becomes a bit silly for sure. But when we’re kids, our parents are often the center of, if not the entirety of, our universe.

    Since it’s something attacking a fundamental building block of our identity (with the obvious caveat that there’s exceptions to almost everything), and allowing someone to attack that is not something you can just shrug off when you’re young, it becomes something bigger than its real import.

    That often lingers into adulthood, where an attack on family is an attack on the self, as a matter of principle. If you allow those attacks to stand without any response, it can be taken as permission to do the same, or worse, again.

    As such, anyone wanting to get a rise out of people can typically rely on mom disses to get the job done.

    Your mom’s sexuality isn’t the core of the attack. That’s just the window dressing to the real purpose, which is saying “you are lesser than me, and can not retaliate effectively when I attempt dominance”. In the case of OP, as everyone knows, their mom is a total slag to begin with. That is regardless of who OP is.

    As far as sleeping with someone older: doesn’t matter; had sex. This is a simple rule of life, that if one is the sort to brag about sex at all, any and all sex is worth bragging about. To wit, I bang your mum then bang your drum. Which is to say that yo mama such a ho that her vag emits hawking radiation.

    In other words, what’s wrong with intercourse between two consenting adults of any age? While it is true that yo mama’s pussy is so old that she queef mummy dust, it does not invalidate her value as a person or sexual partner. Moreover, just because yo mama so ugly tying a pork chop around her neck couldn’t get dogs to play with her, does not mean she is not worthy of a good, deep dicking.

    To the contrary, women of age enough to have a child old enough to ask this very question on a forum such as this likely have had a great deal of sex, and thus is an excellent choice of partner for the discerning gentleman, lady, or other. To rephrase, yo mama such a ho that they call her Chicken Coop because cocks be going in and out all day, so she know the good tricks, and she is so old the Flintstones moved out of her vagina to a better cave where they met the Rubbles.

    There is no shame in your mother. Consider: she is the first person to be in both the NFL and NBA halls of fame for most balls taken to the face. Indeed, she is considered to be the greatest wide receiver ever to take on an entire team by herself. Sadly, she could not qualify as a tight end, as she is such a ho that they used to be called jumpolines before she got on one. Her name on the halls of fame plaques is Peanutbutter because she spreads so easy.

    Besides, take pride that you have earned the envy of others by being such a wonderful person that they can’t throw disses at you directly, and have to throw them at your mom the way I throw her the D every night.

    Believe it or not, there was a serious answer in there.

  • You know what pisses me off with this crap?

    The two party crap.

    Yeah, yeah, Republicans are an existential threat right now, but there’s a whole wide world left of the Democrat party. There’s other US parties (not viable, but that’s not their fault).

    But crap like this not only highlights how broken the electoral system is, but it helps perpetuate it.

    It just gets old

  • I mean, did you intend to dead name them? If not, did you correct yourself?

    Because if you did it intentionally, you’re an asshole. If you did it by mistake because you brain farted, but didn’t correct it, you’re an asshole. You did use the right names here, so I ain’t mad. But let me frame things for you.

    If you went through the effort of changing what people call you from your first name to your middle name, anyone refusing to switch would be an asshole. Doing it if you were struggling with something major related to that name would make them a giant asshole.

    IDGAF who it is, if they aren’t picking a name just to fuck with people, you fucking call them what they want to be called, period. Anything else is just douchebaggery.

    Now, when you add in that dead naming trans people can be an act of aggressive verbal attack to trans people as a whole, the person doing so isn’t just an asshole, they’re a bigoted asshole.

    Is that who you want to be? The person that fucks with people just trying their best to live a free and happy life? If that is who you want to be, I have to warn you that reddit is not the only place online you’ll end up barred from. And there are people that will treat you poorly because of being an asshole. Actions have consequences, and words can be a form of action. While I support your freedom to say what you want within the framework of general legality regarding incitement, that doesn’t mean anyone has to accept that kind of thing and let you spew nastiness.

    So, take the ban like an adult. Accept that you fucked up enough for the community, and use that in the future to really think about the subject and decide who you want to be.