I think answering questions in the context of work is different, because then, yeah I agree, your goal isn’t to answer their question, it’s to solve their problem.
But if someone makes a thread asking “How do I serve a fileshare publicly”, I think it’s better to answer with something like, “Open this config, change these options, open these ports in your network, and restart these services. NOW, why do you want to do this? Because it might be a bad idea…etc.” Assume that their usecase is private info, and that they are asking the question they mean to ask. Because when someone else who knows they need to do X comes searching for this thread later, you won’t be able to ask about their use case.
I also made this adjustment in another comment, but I think at a minimum, if you’re offering Y because you don’t know how to do X, don’t say “you shouldn’t want to do X”, instead be clear and say “I don’t know how to do X, but Y might be an option for you”. If no one reading the thread actually knows how to do X, then that’s also useful info.
Yeah, “Right to be Forgotten” is a bit of a misnomer. It’s trying to be catchy, but oversimplifies the issue. At the end of the day it’s a data privacy concern. It’s less about someone else remembering you, and more about someone else resharing information they gathered about you with a third party without your consent. But that’s harder to put a name to.