
  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 6th, 2023


  • I never used Facebook not Twitter or Instagram, but I was very active on Reddit.

    The key to a successful migration, in my opinion, is being involved enough in alternatives that you stop caring about your old mainstream accounts, that doesn’t happen in a day but it’s an ongoing process.

    What I’m doing (in practice), I created my account here when the protest started, I took the time off reddit to search for alternatives to the subs I was in and actively participate in them, after a while I stopped caring about reddit, so much that I unsubbed from everything and I don’t even follow its news anymore.

    I didn’t ditch reddit completely yet because there are a couple of niche subs that are not easily replaceable, so I still check those every now and then, but compared to how active I was before, I’m basically not contributing anything anymore.

    It’s just a matter of time IMO before those niche subs will grow on the fediverse, I don’t know how long it’ll take but when it happens I’ll be done with reddit forever.

  • I’m doing it exactly like I was doing it on reddit, that is, build up my personal home page with all the communities I want to see then I changed my settings to default to subscribed when opening Lemmy instead of All.

    Every now and then I check the list of all communities to see if there’s something new worth following, that way it’s also easier to avoid communities that do a lot of spamming, overwhelming the smaller (more interesting IMO) ones.

  • I was thinking the same, especially after seeing several posts “demanding” Lemmy to change this and change that.

    I mean, that’s not to say there’s no room for improvements, but if the first thing some people do when going to a new platform is wanting changes to meet their personal way of doing things, instead to try and adapt first to how the platform works and learn from it, in my opinion it means those people are not really interested in being here and make lemmy succeed, they’re just following the “flavor of the month” and won’t last long here anyway.

    I think the fediverse being not so intuitive might be a very good thing actually, it can act as a sort of filter so it doesn’t succumb to the masses ruining everything, hopefully.