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“This was intentional,” said U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib. “You don’t accidentally kill massive amounts of children and their families over and over again and get to say, ‘It was a mistake.’”

  • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
    4 months ago

    You seem to be clueless as to military posture between Iran and Israel, and Iran doesn’t have any nuclear weapons.

    The best they can hope for is to smuggle a dirty bomb into Israel through the tunnels in Gaza.

    There’s actually not a lot of speculation about this. It’s pretty much uncontroversial consensus of the American government, that’s why support for Israeli has so much bipartisan support.

    It’s pretty much not if but when, and there are top generals saying it could be as early as next year, just like Russia was telegraphing its invasion of Ukraine for years ahead of time. It was speculative to suggest in 2014 that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine, but plenty of people were saying that. American intelligence is not stupid. As the world’s only superpower, it is our job to make these predictions for the good of the hundreds of millions of people that I am talking about being in harm’s way.

    Iran gearing up right now.

    Doesn’t seem very speculative.

      4 months ago

      They had US,UK, French, and I want to say Jordanian and Saudi help.

      Iran picked the right amount to make their point since they knew the Israelis had defenses.

      What do you think would have happened if they had wanted to do anything other than make their point?

      You’re sending me links that say Iran might have nukes, I would say they probably already do.

      Tel Aviv would be gone and Israel just isn’t strong enough to counter that.

      • 【J】【u】【s】【t】【Z】
        4 months ago

        Yeah Iran made their point last month and no more. They tried to make their point a few years ago too you will recall and the only thing that stopped them was that they accidentally shot down their own civilian airliner. I’m not particularly worried about Iran taking measured and proportionate responses. Israel knew Iran was going to retaliate when it popped their general. The problem is nobody knew if Iran was going to launch a full air assault with bombers and fighters or how long they will tolerate losses before they give up.

        None of these links say Iran might have nukes. They say they have enriched uranium. They do not have a weapon to deliver a nuclear warhead. Nobody who knows anything about this thinks that they already do. Maybe they have a dirty bomb, which, like, shitty, but who cares, any quasi state actor can throw a dirty bomb together.

        Listen, Iran is not a serious threat to Israel’s continued existence. The problem is that any significant offensive moves by Iran will result in its collapse not long after, and Iran doesn’t realize that, because they are insane dumbasses who think they are literally chosen by Dog as supreme and rightful heirs to all of the middle east.

        They know just on paper they can’t win a war with Israel, just like Hamas knows that. But they disregard what they know because they think their cause is divine. A strong Israeli posture as to Iran keeps Iran from getting too far up their own ass that they actually shoot their shot. This is not an imaginary dilemma. This is what they’re talking about at West Point, at UNGA, at G7 summits and I’m at least twenty five years the conversation has not changed much. This is the calculus. If you look at the situation in Gaza and think this is so unbelievable how can this be, I’m giving you the calculus right here. You can’t understand why Joe Biden isn’t setting himself on fire in front of the White House, this is why.

        The sine quo non is Iran being dumb fucks that the West cannot turn its back to. The collapse of Iran would cause a humanitarian catastrophe unlike anything that the world has ever seen.