Good luck running a tiling WM like Hyprland with a wonderful Terminal emulator like Foot or Kitty, with a customisable file manager like Thunar or Krusader, with a terminal music player like CMUS…
I can keep on going. But the TLDR is that it’s MY setup not Microsoft’s.
Wrong. I and other devs can modify free software to make it work on Linux. You can’t do that with Photoshop and Premiere
But you don’t need it to run on linux if you’re using a personally stripped down LTSC Windows install activated for free using massgrave.
More seriously, two different meanings of free going on here.
Good luck running a tiling WM like Hyprland with a wonderful Terminal emulator like Foot or Kitty, with a customisable file manager like Thunar or Krusader, with a terminal music player like CMUS…
I can keep on going. But the TLDR is that it’s MY setup not Microsoft’s.
With only one having your interests at heart. An easy choice.