I’m not from the US, so I’m curious why Americans still wants him back. I always see him as a bad mouthed guy and was worse when he lost in 2020. But feel free to change my mind. This question is also for non-trump supporters who can think of one thing (if you can) on why he’s good for the top position.

  • lennybird@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Having formerly been a rural Republican, there is no good reason to vote Trump. I mean that from the bottom of my heart. People vote for him because they’re some mixture of uninformed, misinformed, psychotic, or psychopathic. The broader GOP party is fully culpable, too.

    Let’s explore some profiles:

    17-year-old “lel kek” 4chan/8chan nihilist troll who just wants to act like a dumbass and think Trump is so cooolll.

    Grandpa who never left his home town. Never been on an airplane. Watches fox news 24/7.

    Your crazy uncle who listens to right wing radio while commuting to work and has a major temper problem, loves his compensatory guns that give him a sense of agency in his sad pathetic life. He loves to blame immigrants for his own problems.

    The racist sexist meth head or anyone overly exposed to lead.

    The good Christian church goer wrapped around abortion and contrary to the pillar of individual freedom is desperately trying to arbitrate their own sense of morality on others.

    The gullible uninformed coworker that doesn’t tune into politics all that much but they’re a crowd pleaser and all his coworkers talk about is how great Trump is, so must be true. They’re not educated all that much and so struggle to use critical-thinking to discern truth from falsehoods.

    The grifting pillow salesmen who recognized dumb people are easily grifted so starts feeding the choir and selling them merchandise in one form or another. Bannon fits this.

    Deadbeats who love fake it til you make it and see that it worked for Trump. They love that their lifelong habits of bullying are validated by him and so feel empowered.

  • Coskii@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    You are a multimillionaire that has plenty of options on leaving if things get rough, but in the interim you can look forward to tax breaks and more lax controls/protections over whatever industry you may be involved in.

    As for the rest of them, he’s flying the right colored flag and that’s about it.

  • (⬤ᴥ⬤)@lemmy.blahaj.zone
    2 months ago

    the american right thrives on propaganda and boy howdy do they have a lot of it.

    Immigrants? simultaneously lazy welfare moochers and will steal all jobs forever

    women? sluts with no self control that must abstain themselves always, except for you of course

    queer people? pedophile groomers that hate you specifically

    black people? Racism was solved 100 years ago according to these white guys! now they’re claiming that it’s systemic?!

    Any and all political opponents? Corrupt. Monetarily? Characterally? Spiritually? yes.

  • graycube@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    Most people I know support Trump because they perceive him as a “strong man”, which they value in a leader. They see Democrats as “soft”. They his wealth, his treatment of women, his treatment of employees, and his reaction to being shot as signs of strength. Another reason is they see him as being more supportive of their one true religion. He comes across as the chosen one and closer to God than most.

    • Today@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      Because they hear strong man and don’t realize it’s really strongman.

    • He comes across as the chosen one and closer to God than most.

      This is the greatest hypocracy for which I cannot forgive Christian Republicans.

      This is a man who, by his deeds and unrepentance for them, is the most unchristian of any candidate he’s faced. The only time he’s held a Bible was when waving it for a photo op, or when at a rally for Christians. He has set foot in any church in his adult life probably about the same number of times a I’ve read the Bible - which is few, but not many. And this, compared to men and women who attend their’s regularly.

      He is the most un-Christian candidate to have campaigned for the Presidency in probably the entire history of the US. And these hypocritical bastards worship him like the golden calf.

      • Crackhappy@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        What’s funny to me is that people are drawing connections from the Bible and the signs of the anti Christ to him. Lol.

        • Hey, I’ll admit, that little boy brought up by the fundamentalist father; who once Christmas asked for a leather case for his Bible; who really did read the Bible cover to cover, old and new testaments, multiple times - that little boy is looking at Trump’s base and seeing those warnings about the anti-Christ. It’s not Trump. He’s a foul person, but there are worse. It’s how his base is reacting to him that makes me think of the anti-Christ.

          There have been plenty of cults of personality, but this isn’t another Pope, where, yeah, you kiss his ring but it’s God you worship. No, his base worship him. I’m an atheist now, but that Christian child in me is still a little wigged out.

      • dyathinkhesaurus@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I think the bible even warns them to be on the lookout for charlatans like him. I can’t remember the quote/chapter/verse tho.

  • BrianTheeBiscuiteer@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    You’re a rich, white, Anglo-Saxon, Protestant, single, heterosexual, cisgender, male, incel and you have a worthless life and nobody loves you and you think it’d be neat to turn a democratic state into a fascist one.

  • Zarxrax@lemmy.world
    2 months ago

    A lot of people are very religious and oppose abortion. And that is literally the only issue they care about. Trump stacked the Supreme Court and got abortion made illegal in many states. They love him for that.

    Some people think he’s stronger on the economy. They just think “look at all this inflation we’ve had under Biden! It wasn’t like this when Trump was in control.” Of course they can’t think far enough to realize that perhaps a global pandemic caused this inflation and there was little that Biden could have done to stop it.

    I think those are the big two reasons. But then there is the propaganda. People are made to believe that crime is running rampant despite the fact that violent crime is actually relatively low compared to in the past. Illegal immigrants are vilified as criminals who are bringing drugs and crime into the country while taking advantage of government benefits. The propaganda says that Democrats are the cause of these problems, and Trump is the solution. Tons of people fall for it. And Democrats are really bad at counter-propaganda.

    • daddyjones@lemmy.world
      2 months ago

      My aunt is religious and votes mainly on abortion. She’s voted republican for years. She didn’t vote last time Trump was the nominee because she couldn’t stand him and couldn’t vote democrat because abortion.

    • Dark Arc@social.packetloss.gg
      2 months ago

      They just think “look at all this inflation we’ve had under Biden! It wasn’t like this when Trump was in control.” Of course they can’t think far enough to realize that perhaps a global pandemic caused this inflation and there was little that Biden could have done to stop it.

      Which is particularly painful because Trump overheated the economy before the global pandemic even got off the ground. It’s a sort of miracle things aren’t worse than they are in that regard.