Is this seriously the best they can come up with?
C’mon. put up a better fight. Do something.
And no, Vance, don’t do that. Step away from the sofa.
No, not the dolphins, either
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My favorite part of being a Midwest leftist is being able to tell dumbasses like Vance that I’ve never spent more than a week in California
I need some Texas leftists with the same please. And some Don’t Mess with Texas on the side. And as a treat, a little bit of, “better shot than a Republican” at the range.
So tired of crappy wimpy corporate Dems getting the primary win, then getting slaughtered in the general.
Don’t lose hope, they’re out there!
We woulda been blue decades ago if not for gerrymandering. Even with it, closer every year.
Yeah, Texas might actually be the single most gerrymandered state in the entire country and that says a fucking LOT!
Fun fact: “Don’t Mess With Texas” was originally an anti-littering slogan.
It was since adopted as a way to deflect criticism of a state so bad that even its own flag rates it one star.
I still remember those anti-littering campaigns. It was nice when we took care of things.
I’ve lived on another continent for all of my life and I’ve been there for twice as long as that twice! You must be REALLY conservative! 😉😄
Vance literally is not fooling anyone, except maybe Trump.
I wish, but we’re way too far into the Post-Truth era for reality to matter. If one of their guys says Walz is a coastal elite, then he is one, despite being literally the most Midwestern man alive.
Every word uttered by a conservative is deception or manipulation. Every word.
Never trust the word of a conservative.
You forgot the crown jewel technique of MAGA"conservatives" - projection.
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Good gawd. The man is going to be stomped on.
Americans eat cheese style filling all the time that’s never seen a cow.
Italian style dressing that’s never heard of Europe.
Its all about presentation, about appearances 😁
Why is it that I can smell you through a comment?
Your answer is not needed, though I’m fairly sure you will still engage. You can’t help yourself.
If only Americans understood irony
Or cheese.
The important distinction though is that Walz is nowhere close to an SF-style liberal
I, too, use xenophobic stereotypes to fuel my superiority complex.
JD Vance used Sucker Punch!
JD Vance’s attack missed!
He hurt himself in his confusion!
But it failed!
It’s super effective!
Foe JD VANCE fainted!
This one’s not landing for me, maybe I’ve heard this before but I’m not sure what he’s implying with “San Francisco style”. Is that thin crust or deep dish? Does it come with mozzarella or anti-queer dogwhistle? I only spent an afternoon once in SF and I never had a chance to sample their “style” of liberal. Someone help me out here?
There’s broccoli on it
It means “he’s one of them city boys that don’t drive a pickemup truck and don’t fuck couches”
Vance also has a residence in a DC suburb which votes like 75% Democrat, and is arguably even more liberal than SF in many ways. The outer suburbs are more conservative, but JD Vance would never debase himself by living among such boring, sterile plebs.
Well to be fair there’s 3 discount furniture stores in that liberal suburb, he can’t live too far from his dating service
@usernamesAreTricky #Vance certainly knows about “style” with all that eyeliner.
Unrelated to the comment itself: I kind of forget that mastodon instances are federated with lemmy instances sometimes. How do lemmy posts look on your end?