I happened to click a link that took me to the associated twitter X account for something I was interested in and was greeted by not one, not two, but four modern day web popups.
I know it’s nothing new. I’ve got a couple of firefox plugins that are usually quite good at hiding this sort of nonsense, but I guess they failed me today (or, I shudder to think, there were even more that were blocked, and this is what got through)
What’s the worst new/not-signed-in user experience you’ve encountered recently?
This is something I like to use ublock origin for. Like, blocking ads is nice, but I also love just clearing out clutter from websites.
Ublock, doesnt block the google login, th cookiebanner and the shitty login question of twitter itself. I looks exactly like that with ublock.
I’m not on Twitter so I haven’t tried cleaning it up, but it’s super easy to select additional elements to block, I do it all the time to clean visuals rather than block ads.
uBlock Origin can block whatever you want. That’s one of the major features of ad/content blocking extensions - you can write your own rules/lists.
Yeha but it’s very easy to set up filters for those kind of elements