This is a big one, folks. Plasma 6.2’s soft feature freeze is now in effect, which means the last few features have just been merged! Now we’ll have six weeks of heavy bug-fixing before…
Which parts specifically? I don’t have any issue with my window rules, though when I set them now I can’t just got from the window menu and set rules, I have to re-detect which app I’m editing (idr the button name bug it’s in the bottom right)
What isn’t? Most of it doesn’t work under Wayland.
I set firefox pip windows to stay above everything and that works fine.
But like what?
Have you reported bugs? They’re working hard on fixing all the issues, but they gotta know about it :)
I have reported and/or commented on existing issues when plasma 6.0.0 rolled out on arch and there has been no work on them as far as I can see.
I even asked in the matrix dev rooms.
They were not even triaged. So some describe the same issue multiple times. Check the ones which had activity in 2024: DESC%2Cbug_status%2Cpriority%2Cassigned_to%2Cbug_id&product=kwin&query_format=advanced&resolution=---
Which parts specifically? I don’t have any issue with my window rules, though when I set them now I can’t just got from the window menu and set rules, I have to re-detect which app I’m editing (idr the button name bug it’s in the bottom right)
The last one which I tried yesterday, was forcing window decoration on window.