One night my ex decided to wear make up even though she never did. It wasn’t badly done but it felt odd, it just wasn’t her
But honestly I don’t care much, except for fake lashes, I don’t find that attractive in the slightest
No makeup at all for me. I know that some women have a “no makeup” makeup, the kind where you say you don’t have any but you actually do. I don’t like that either. (she thought that I couldn’t tell)
Yes, but shes gorgeous without it as well. She wears little make up, except for some stuff around the eyes. I really like her eyes, and the makeup does make them even prettier.
She always looks good but can look better with make-up
She always looks good, I’m not particular about the specific texture of her skin.
Yea. But I still think she is pretty without it too.
Anyone can look better with the right makeup,
. And anyone can look worse. But generally makeup feels fake, so less is more IMHO. But it’s totally my partners’ choice if they want to wear it or not. It’s for them more than me.
Makes no difference really
I can’t imagine him in makeup, but he was having midlife rosacea and getting cosmetic treatment, not just the dermatologist but the MedSpa stuff, really good skin makes a big difference.
On me we agree, a light tinted sunscreen and some mascara or very subtle top eyeliner is best looking - the sort of makeup guys think is no makeup, basically. Before COVID I would have said more eyeliner, mascara, eyebrows filled, and lip gloss but happy for the change, people do wear less everyday makeup now.
I also have rosacea, is the MedSpa stuff helping? Is it very expensive?
He got IPL, it is $300 a round but can pay from the HSA or FSA if it is for rosacea and your dermatologist may be able to get it covered by your insurance. Yes he found one treatment with the IPL did more than all the stuff he did with the dermatologist for two years now. They have other treatments if you still are having bad breakouts, he had the acne part tackled with tretinoin - the IPL significantly reduced redness and helped a lot with texture. It’s not one and done but couple times a year, maybe eventually once a year, not bad.
Light makeup makes her look as confident as I wish she could be at baseline. She has a lot to be confident about but has horrendous self-confidence(relatively speaking). We’re all a work in progress though.
Heavy makeup(indian weddings…) and I feel like I don’t recognize her and she hates it too so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I know it’s kind of lame, but I like it when she likes it. She wears relatively light makeup, maybe some eye shadow and lash stuff. It accentuates the things she likes about herself, but she’s also totally comfortable wearing none. So basically, I like when she wears makeup and when she doesn’t, because she’s not doing it because she feels compelled, she’s doing it because she feels like it, and I like how she looks when she looks how she wants to look.
Setting of a the positive feedback loop of love:
- You’re happy because she’s happy
- She’s happy because you’re happy
Purely aesthetically I like light makeup. She doesn’t look best in light makeup though. We like hiking and most of our vacations are to various trails. She is at her most attractive after a difficult climb. She is a very strong climber and during the climb she has an amazing confidence. Right after she gets to the top and sees the view she gets this look of accomplishment and joy and it’s absolutely breathtaking. So she looks best sweaty, dirty, exhausted, and happy.
Man, that’s the kind of relationship I dream about… Though swap the climb for a hike because I’m deathly afraid of heights 😂
I honestly can’t remember how she looks with makeup on. She has worn it maybe a dozen times in the decade plus that I’ve known her.
She looks fine without it. She seems happy without it. I don’t really care either way.
I’ve never really thought makeup made anyone look better. Even stage makeup makes people look worse than just being au natural.
Stage makeup isn’t supposed to look good up close though, or really even look good at all - it’s just to make you look like you have a face to people sitting farther away.
Yes, but only because makeup is one of her passions that she can get really nerdy about. Something about her trying new, colorful looks and excitedly showing me makes me find her more attractive. I used to be a guy who didn’t like makeup.