This is especially true with luxury brands like Louis Vuitton, Gucci, and Prada. People are either trying to impress others with fakes, or they’ve actually paid full price to become walking billboards.
Similar thing with iPhone cases that have a cutout for the Apple logo. That’s just hilarious.
100% agreed, but this doesn’t seem like a shower thought.
I was conteplating between Unpopular Opinion and Showerthought but it feels more like an thought than an opinion and I don’t think it’s very unpopular either.
Honestly, I think you chose right just because I don’t think this is that unpopular an opinion. Maybe there should be a grindsmygears community for people to air their annoyances, but I can imagine that going downhill from sensible stuff like this to kind of a cesspool.
We accept and validate you, OP!