If anyone can find more pixels for me i would appreciate it.
Thanks y’all.
Fwiw, second person is fine as long as there’s no misgendering… It’s like calling someone by their name
It feels like a standard case of it’s fine until it isn’t. I wouldn’t worry about it and only drop it from your vocabulary if you notice it causing harm.
I’ll throw in “folks” as another gender neutral option. I say “you folks” all the time, especially in professional contexts. I’m not from the South, but I have family there so y’all is a part of my vocabulary. I use it in more informal situations pretty commonly.
Second person never has a gender in English. Saying “you” should also be fine, or “thee” if you feel like getting your quaker on.
Special requests notwithstanding - the platinum rule here is just to accommodate whatever you reasonably can.
I have a VERY southern friend. He once said “y’all all”.
Yous in Scotland is great to wind up Proper English speakers. If they whinge they get a y’all
Yall is the genderless southern hospitality greeting.
No bullshit no hate. Only yall
I’ve used y’all intentionally as a gender neutral term for years in the south.
Lately I’ve even seen “y’all means all” used as a pride slogan in the south.
Awesome! Thanks comrade.
Is the difference between youse and youse guys the number of people involved? Similar to y’all and all y’all?
Nah you just replace you with youse. Example:
Happy birthday to youse, happy birthday to youse. Happy birthday this fucking guuuuy! Happy birthday to youse!
We are afraid to use common greetings now? How about we all refer to each other as “carbon units”?
You forgot “Yinz”
Yinz is definitely a Scots thing
That’s actually “you’uns” and despite being from the deep south I barely ever heard it growing up. Guessing you are from the south too
Yinz is a Pittsburgh and Pennsyltucky thing
I was editing an Irish comedy recently which used “yinz” and “yiz” a lot.
Genuine question. What is the “tucky” in pennsyltucky? Is it somehow tied to Kentucky?
Kentucky = Hicks
Yeah, it’s the area south of Pittsburgh near WV, why is it called Pennsyltucky instead of Pennsylvirginia? No idea.
But, it’s more of a “here be hillbillies” thing, especially when compared to the rest of the state.Not just the area south - basically all the area in between the two cities. And yeah, it’s basically like saying “once you’re out of the cities, you might as well be in Kentucky.”
Wow, this is news to me. How does a new word get the s to change to a z like that??
Yinz goin aht n abaht in dahntahn Picksburgh to watch da Stillers game?
Where’s my fellow "yo’d’ll"s at
Your what now
Oh…you know 😏
Youse LOL, almost lost it when I heard it one time
All y’all never heard youse before?
“Y’all” has wider reach than this map suggests, particularly in black and queer communities.
I mean, neither “you” nor “all” is a gendered term in any way