I want to get the CCNA certification and will need to study on my own. I want to buy an old cheap Cisco Router to practice the CLI, but don’t want a huge, noisy thing running in my living room.
Do you know models that could fit that? I’m seeing a model 880 cheap on a platform here, e.g.
(Or is it maybe not that necessary to practice with an actual router for the exam? Would some virtual CLI be enough?)
Any help is very welcome :)
I’m pretty sure that Cisco has some virtual environment that you can download and practise with. That solution also allows you to build networks, test them and see that they work. Can’t remember the name though.
I think it’s Cisco Packet Tracer.
Packet tracer is good for first steps, but to do anything serious you shouldn’t use it. GNS3 or EVE-NG will work much better. There is Cisco Virl but that may be out of reach for some students.
Thanks for good advise 😊
Thanks to both of you, that sounds good :)
Virtual would suffice, I’d say.
However, instead of router you could also find a switch. I’m sure there are some catalysts on the market that have been retired for corporate use.
Honestly, the CCNA can be passed without physical hardware. But practice with the cli is critical.
I would suggest looking at Packet Tracer to get your mind wrapped around the Cisco way of doing things, if you have a PC that supports virtualisation (Intel VT-x or AMD equivalent) then migrate over to GNS3 or EVE-NG and use the vios images to get use to the cli.
There is also the Cisco Learning Labs in the Cisco Learning Network you can get but I have no experience with those.
Alright, I will try to get that! Thanks a lot :)