One could quibble over whether that is forward compatibility or backwards compatibility. (It depends if you define HDMI to mean the cable or the standard…) But the 2.1 compatible device will probably just silently fail without any hint to the consumer of what the issue is. Or, if you’re really very lucky, you’ll get some sort of degraded option.
I don’t think that’s correct. You won’t be able to use 4k60hz with 1.4 that’s for sure, but unless the device only supports like 60hz, it should work if you lower it to 1080p 24hz or whatever fits within the 1.4 bandwidths parameters.
It doesn’t always happen even with both devices being 2.1 and the cable being 2.1, lol. But stating that HDMI revisions are not backwards compatible just simply isn’t true.
Well it probably would be if there were a driver for it, but AMD was unsuccessful in convincing the HDMI forum to let them open-source a driver. Intel gets around it by using an adapter on the card.
Huh? HDMI is backwards compatible. You can use a 2.1 cable with 1.4 devices for example. Unless you meant something else?
Try using the 1.4 cable with your 2.1 devices.
One could quibble over whether that is forward compatibility or backwards compatibility. (It depends if you define HDMI to mean the cable or the standard…) But the 2.1 compatible device will probably just silently fail without any hint to the consumer of what the issue is. Or, if you’re really very lucky, you’ll get some sort of degraded option.
I don’t think that’s correct. You won’t be able to use 4k60hz with 1.4 that’s for sure, but unless the device only supports like 60hz, it should work if you lower it to 1080p 24hz or whatever fits within the 1.4 bandwidths parameters.
That’s assuming both devices can successfully negotiate. Does not always happen.
It doesn’t always happen even with both devices being 2.1 and the cable being 2.1, lol. But stating that HDMI revisions are not backwards compatible just simply isn’t true.
Not on Linux + AMD…
That sucks. It’s backwards compatible on literally any other hardware combination.
Well it probably would be if there were a driver for it, but AMD was unsuccessful in convincing the HDMI forum to let them open-source a driver. Intel gets around it by using an adapter on the card.