Is there something you want that you can’t get? There are a handful of states that have outlawed and some vendors won’t ship to then. I just checked Flow Gardens and they ship everywhere except Idaho.
He started the process for medical marijuana legalization in 2022 via rescheduling to schedule 3 (Harris had called for full legalization, Biden only called for medical). It’s not as simple as a singular executive order when done without congressional action alone. The existing law makes the process very convoluted to reschedule. Lots of steps inbetween with people that have actively tried to slow it down
The formal rule for it ended up being fully proposed in May 2024, and the DEA has dragged it out and kept delaying it. The DEA managed to push the inital first hearing out until Dec 2nd and there keep being legal challenges from outside groups to push it back further and further
Or he tried getting through via legislation because he knew that’d be much faster, but only once he knew he didn’t have the votes for it, he then pivoted to the slower executive action
There was a bill passed in 2022 in the house to do exactly that which ran into roadblocks in the senate
He never said he would legalize marijuana. He can’t do that, wrong branch. He did say he would pursue decriminalization of it, which he did pursue Iike the other comment said about trying to get it rescheduled. As of January 2022 there were 0 people in federal prisons for charges solely based upon possession of marijuana. (He pardoned a number to get them out)
If you want it legalized, look at the legislative branch.
Oh word, is marijuana legalized Joe?
Of course it isn’t. But centrists will lie and say it is.
Well, yeah, kinda is; but trump did that with the 2018 farm bill.
If by kinda you mean “not” then sure
Is there something you want that you can’t get? There are a handful of states that have outlawed and some vendors won’t ship to then. I just checked Flow Gardens and they ship everywhere except Idaho.
He started the process for medical marijuana legalization in 2022 via rescheduling to schedule 3 (Harris had called for full legalization, Biden only called for medical). It’s not as simple as a singular executive order when done without congressional action alone. The existing law makes the process very convoluted to reschedule. Lots of steps inbetween with people that have actively tried to slow it down
The formal rule for it ended up being fully proposed in May 2024, and the DEA has dragged it out and kept delaying it. The DEA managed to push the inital first hearing out until Dec 2nd and there keep being legal challenges from outside groups to push it back further and further
Gee, a savvy career politician like Biden should have known they would have done that and accounted for it.
Oh wait. He did. That’s why he did it so late. So it wouldn’t happen.
Or he tried getting through via legislation because he knew that’d be much faster, but only once he knew he didn’t have the votes for it, he then pivoted to the slower executive action
There was a bill passed in 2022 in the house to do exactly that which ran into roadblocks in the senate
Funny how that always happens on things Democrats never had any intention of ever doing.
Biden was the best president of my lifetime. Not really close.
I hope you think biden being the least stinky of a bunch of piles of shit doesn’t mean he’s good cx
I think our pile of shit issue is less due to the Dem presidents and more about our balance in Congress.
I think both Biden and Obama wanted to lower wealth inequality. But those funding congressional campaigns absolutely do not.
It’s very much both. Across the board, dem presidents hardly do anything to oppose republicans or follow through on campaign promises
What bleak times we inhabit.
He never said he would legalize marijuana. He can’t do that, wrong branch. He did say he would pursue decriminalization of it, which he did pursue Iike the other comment said about trying to get it rescheduled. As of January 2022 there were 0 people in federal prisons for charges solely based upon possession of marijuana. (He pardoned a number to get them out)
If you want it legalized, look at the legislative branch.