A supermarket I go to sometimes around a year ago decided to “reorganize” everything. The first day I went there after the reorganization I almost suffered a meltdown. You know where they put the biscuits and cookies?
You guessed it! In the same aisle than stationery and printer ink. I am not kidding, the psychopath who did this, for some reason decided that printer ink was somehow related to breakfast biscuits.
They do this shit on purpose. Years ago I worked for the evil empire (Wal-Mart) and they put all the coffee filters next to the coffee makers in the appliance section, not with the coffee in the grocery section or with the consumable paper products. It forces customers to walk around the store to find things. And they would rearrange it every 6 months or so.
When I was but a youth, I met someone and asked where they worked. They, too, said “the evil empire” (meaning Walmart) but I, being naive and having recently discovered Linux, said “Microsoft?” They laughed and responded in the affirmative.
I believed that for weeks before a Walmart-specific story came up in conversation.
Where I live supermarkets have coffee and smoothie vending machines, so you can have an in-store-coffee while you are buying your groceries. They have it installed to keep you longer in their store, hoping that you buy stuff you didn’t need in the first place.
A supermarket I go to sometimes around a year ago decided to “reorganize” everything. The first day I went there after the reorganization I almost suffered a meltdown. You know where they put the biscuits and cookies?
You guessed it! In the same aisle than stationery and printer ink. I am not kidding, the psychopath who did this, for some reason decided that printer ink was somehow related to breakfast biscuits.
They do this shit on purpose. Years ago I worked for the evil empire (Wal-Mart) and they put all the coffee filters next to the coffee makers in the appliance section, not with the coffee in the grocery section or with the consumable paper products. It forces customers to walk around the store to find things. And they would rearrange it every 6 months or so.
When I was but a youth, I met someone and asked where they worked. They, too, said “the evil empire” (meaning Walmart) but I, being naive and having recently discovered Linux, said “Microsoft?” They laughed and responded in the affirmative.
I believed that for weeks before a Walmart-specific story came up in conversation.
Where I live supermarkets have coffee and smoothie vending machines, so you can have an in-store-coffee while you are buying your groceries. They have it installed to keep you longer in their store, hoping that you buy stuff you didn’t need in the first place.
There are stores in my area with bars, people can just grab a beer or margarita and go shopping
Clever. Makes you want beer snacks or cheese.
Where is this holy land you speak?
I wouldn’t exactly call Ohio “holy”. Jungle Jims for the margaritas and walk around beers, the nicer Krogers all have bars though
Where I’m from in Australia it’s illegal to drink alcohol within 2km of a licensed premises that sells alcohol.
It’s also illegal to be drunk in public. All becausewe have a huge homeless drunk community and a serious amount of alcohol related violence
I don’t think I’ve ever seen something like printer ink at a grocery store.
I think it’s more plausible that the original fridge had broken down, so butter was relocated to an alternative temporary.
Why would there already be a fridge in the stationary and ink aisle?
So you have everything you need to write the company a strongly worded letter about their reorganization.
For when you want your coffee really, really black.
Unless you’re out of blue ink, then you can’t print black coffee, even if your black cartridge is full.
So very glad I ditched inkjets. 🙃