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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • Metronet will be supplying an Optical Network Terminal, probably like this one:

    This is basically the equivalent of a modem for cable networks. It does not provide routing functions. You’re probably stuck with the ONT they supply, but it shouldn’t matter much, definitely not for anything internal.

    It looks like Metronet normally supplies Eero WiFi mesh devices for home networking - are the ones you currently have supplied by Metronet? They might just replace the modem with the ONT and leave the existing Eero gear, or they might upgrade the Eero gear to support the higher speed available on the fiber network.

    In any case, if you are using ISP-supplied network devices then you don’t control the router, which means you can’t set up things like port forwarding to access your home network from outside, or configure VLANs to segregate devices on your network, or control things like DHCP.

    Technically there’s no reason you have to use the Eero devices from Metronet, you should be able to plug any router into the ONT WAN port and have internet service. If you don’t want to get too deep into network config, then any modern consumer WiFi router will work (but not a modem/router AIO device). If you want to have a bit more control, look for one that supports OpenWRT.

  • “Extreme” pride in any country is just nationalism. If we have less of that, then we have gained as a society.

    *Edit: Which is not to say that you should take no pride in your home at all. A lack of pride is similarly unhealthy, it leaves you uninvested in the place where you (and probably your friends and family) live. Even if you don’t approve of your current government, I guarantee you there are things to be proud of in your home, and you should take pride in them and work to maintain and improve them.

  • We’re not talking about what is ‘widely acknowledged’, we are talking about what you have expressed as your personal belief. And you do have a morality problem:

    Skill issue. If I wanted to have a recognized independent country I would simply win the civil war instead of losing and then hiding in America’s skirt like a coward.

    You believe that in order to be independent from mainland China, Taiwan should have used military force - or again, that might makes right.

    You made this statement. It is not about international law, or opinio juris, or any other deflection you want to attempt. It is about what you believe justifies a nation’s independence, and it is solely based on the exercise of military power.