• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Maybe if the right wing hadn’t spent the last forty years denigrating education and experts

    Even more ironically, they have morphed the term “elitist” to mean: people that have degrees (and don’t try to cover it up in some stupid ploy to appear folksy, like the qon thought leaders do when they have an Ivy League background), know stuff, have expertise in something, speak well/properly, etc.

    Instead of the more appropriate meaning for elitist, and that is someone that is filthy rich. Like donvict and Elmo.

    If the right is now bitching that people worship sports and media stars, after pissing on education and expertise for decades, and then going ALL-IN on donvict, who was made known to most Americans by…checks notes… being given a game show to make him a star…SMH.