A coworker asks what you’re bringing to the potluck. What’s the worst response?
I’m no longer allowed to setup “Chili Mystery Mayhem” for work after the incident.
And if I do bring chili, it has to be one of my “ultra-mild” varieties.
I need more details on this incident lol, although I can imagine. Side note, I want some of that chilli!!
May as well say Cazu Marzu at that point. Or Balut.
Liver, Fava Beans and Chianti
fava beans are great
“I haven’t decided yet, I’ll have to go through the fridge and see what everyone else brought so I can steal something”
Clam chowder.
Maybe you like clam chowder, that’s fine, but even then, it’s going to stink up the whole office and you might go through a few little cups worth, but nobody’s grabbing a big bowl of chowder at a pot luck.
Just thinking about the smell is making me gag. Yuck.
bucket of coconut milk haha
A jar of toenails that is also a fungal colony.
Leftover soup maybe
Castle Bravo
I’ve seen this on a documentary style thing on prime years ago, but why not fried Asian murder hornets and nuts?
I’d be more than willing to try them, so I’d love to see others try it too.
runs screaming outside
The Mayor’s Lucky Purple Shorts!
Marnie would enjoy that.
“You’re not a friend, you’re a coworker. Why would I ever do something with you outside of work?”
Direct eye contact the whole time