For a few days now if I use my profile comments are slow to load and often posts timeout and refuse to load at all. I even tried posting this question using my profile and it wouldn’t post at all. Is there something up with their servers or something?
When a thing called “shit just works” fails to work:
(Been fine for me to view; but I’m not entirely sure if that’s because I’m not on the instance)
Sh, it just works
It was responsive for the bot.
I haven’t noticed anything
Support question. Locking.
TheDude did some server maintenance on the 9th, but other than that I’m not aware of any issues. Everything works fine on my machine, so obviously there aren’t any problems (j/k).
Did you have issues at a particular time? Maybe we can find something in the logs and trace down the issue.
Edit: you can also catch us on our Matrix channel for more timely tech support.
I had a little bit of lag earlier, but nothing too bad.
Working fine for me.