How to adult.
Basically how to choose your internet and phone provider, compare the contracts etc. Same with power supplier. How to choose from the different suppliers and the impact of base price with the price per unit (and when it makes sense to choose a higher line price when the power price per unit is cheaper).
Insurance. Regulations for the driving license (like if you study and still are registered at home, you might have a hard time to make your license at your study place).
And all nitty picky things you have to remember when you grow up and rent your own place.
As well as learning and working contracts. Like how many vacation days are mandatory and what is usual.
Edit: If and how you do taxes. When they are mandatory and when they are optional.
Well, i guess you get the point. All those nasty responsibilities nobody explains you before being confronted with.
I really like this one. It’s modern Home Ec. And sorely needed.
intro to programming! ive been told I’m pretty good at breaking things down in a way a beginner would understand and programming is something that can be so intimidating to outsiders, I’d want to help lower the bar to entry and enable people to become passionate in programming when they otherwise wouldn’t
Traditional subject?
Physics, but applicable physics. Not just the boring memorization of formulae to do math with. Stress on beams like you might calculate for a building structure. Heat generated on a electrical transmission wire causing it to sag. How thrust and mass interact to put a satellite in orbit. Stuff that could be applied in a job or just be really interesting to figure out.
Debate class. Have people choose a subject. Ask which side they want to support. Then assign them the opposite side. Get them to look at other angles of subjects
Hilarious story. I had that happen to me. I argued it so passionately they thought I actually believed in it. Surprised the hell out of them a year later when I wrote an opinion paper from the exact opposite direction.
I have taught computer science, but I’d also be happy to teach art, finance, or ethics.
Starship Troopers style?
Computer programming and related tech skills. Why? Because I’ve been doing as a job and for fun for over 35 years and have been teaching it for 5 so I guess it works out.
Gym, I’d just let 'em play dodgeball each class
History because history always repeats itself. Human nature never changes so throughout time you will see both the good and bad repeated over and over again. If you think the reality of today is special or new you just haven’t studied history. Bet you don’t know that almost every new advance in technology was initially bashed as “that will never be popular” until it became the standard
almost every new advance in technology was initially bashed as “that will never be popular”
I actually did know this.
But yes, history is important. Very nice response.
How to say “No”, there are many people who are afraid to.
My choice would be to teach English literature, finances made me teach all manner of computer classes. :)
Common sense/critical thinking 101.
It is utterly baffling watching some people just bumble through life completely clueless.
I have lost track of the number of adults who have no clue how do their taxes. They either have their parents do them or they pay someone to do them for themselves. I consider myself basically financially retarded, but I still learned the bare minimum to be able to do my own goddamn taxes.
People don’t know the bare minimum about their vehicles and it ends up costing them thousands.
People are oblivious to their surroundings and never prepared for anything even slightly.
People just do things without a single thought towards the potential consequences of their actions.
English, because word history is fun, communication is important, and teaching kids that language is constantly evolving would be fun.
Finance, credit, investing, retirement, savings. How money works. I’ve worked with way too many younger folks that don’t know anything about finance.
I had that opportunity once. But
“Nah, I want to get a feel for the market first, ya know? That’s why I’m investing short-term for now – I’ll do long-term later.”
VT ain’t as hip as Nvidia options, eh?
I grew up around finance people. I recall one guy at church, who used to run the Bank of NY, telling a bunch if us after the 1987 crash that he didn’t get why so many people under 65 were freaking out as their investments weren’t getting cashed in any time soon. It gave me perspective on how that race is run.
Media competency and how technology works. Because that includes things I’m good at, and it’s desperately needed.