Growing up I struggled for so long on LittleBigPlanet’s Negativitron boss fight, most recently though I spent days struggling with Uncharted 4’s final boss fight (though somehow I had an easier time on Crushing difficulty on my second play through) and Halo 2’s Prophet Boss Fight.
For me, it was in Last of Us, >!when you walk through the door and get caught in the rope trap, then have to shoot the zombies upside-down.!<
I had to go through that entire animation over and over and over. It made me hate the game. I played a little bit more after finally making it through, but my heart wasn’t in it and I just stopped after a while.
Great Wolf Sif because I can’t bring myself to kill a loyal pupper who is trying to save me.
Moldorm - The Legend Of Zelda: A Link To The Past ( )
This f’ing guy was hours of work to beat. Still the most annoying game boss ive ever encountered!
I hate this guy!! Worst thing is from what I remember his health gets fully restored whenever he knocks you down
Yeah, you have to be perfect and not get knocked off, otherwise its back to square one. Super annoying. But it does feel like a real accomplishment when you finally beat him!
Lavos. :(
For me it was Psycho mantis from Metal Gear Solid. The reason being that I didn’t understood English at the time, so it was literally an impossible boss. I got frustrated with it and abandoned the game, until I found a translated version of it and replayed it and he’s actually very easy if you know what you need to do.
That fuckin guy on the church roof in dark souls dlc.
I don’t remember there being a boss on a church roof in the DLC for Dark Souls. Do you remember the name, or description?
He starts out in a wheelchair, if I remember. (You know what, I might be thinking of Bloodborne, one of the optional bosses)
Ah okay yeah I think that’s probably Bloodborne.
Martyr Logarius.
And yes, he was an absolute nightmare.
Yes! He killed me many many times. I killed him once. Never again.
I failed at The Bloody Crow of Cainhurst though. Not really a boss, but harder than any of them.
I’m still stuck on him
Lies of P - nameless puppet. I choose the other ending on my first run, so my first time facing him was in ng+. Not sure if that made it harder, but yeah, that one was rough
That stupid course in Star Wars Racer where you have to stay on a very narrow ledge. When you fall off you’re relegated to a super long detour and basically have to start over because you have no chance of winning if you fail even once.
Oh yeah I remember that one. Wouldn’t have been an issue if not for the bad steering of pods.
The Lindwurm in Battle Brothers.
Maleficent in Kingdom Hearts 1.
Oh my god. I tried everything. Every potion combo, every magic combo, every adjustment of Donald and Goofy to make them heal or damage. Never beat her. And never beat the game.
And before that is the fight against Riku with that hours long unstoppable cutscene. “You’ll never take Kairi’s heart!”
Having seen the game played, I know the difficulty stabilizes itself around that point.
I still have every single line of that “Kairi’s inside me” cutscene memorized, because it was so extremely long and was immediately before the hardest story boss fight in the game. I felt like I was throwing myself against a brick wall with how many times I had to retry that Riku fight.
In comparison, the second Maleficent (dragon) fight was a breeze. I spanked her in like two or three tries, max.
Most people agree that Hollow Bastion is where the difficulty actually spikes. Before then, most bosses won’t really give you any trouble as long as you’re properly leveled. But Hollow Bastion is what separates the “easy” section of the game from the “hard” section.
Messmer the impaler from Elden Ring SOTE.
I love this boss, it’s not bs, just pure skill… Shame I lack any of it. Still beat him eventually.
Final boss of fury
Inner Agent 3 from Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
What an absolute nightmare. They play like an online cheater. It’s just back to back sub and special weapons. There’s almost no room for error. I gave up after like thirty tries because the reward just wasn’t worth the stress and frustration.
Dry’l in Wonderlands. Not particularly hard but it just took forever.