Obviously for Northern Hemisphere folks here. Where I am, it has been mostly below freezing, a little snow but not enough to pe pretty or good to play in. It’s mostly indoor activities. I work out at the gym, play board games, have random get togethers with friends. What do you do?
Ham and pea soup is a banger.
Green or yellow peas?
I will judge you if you pick the wrong one.
I just get green.
Green always. Yellow!? Fucking heathens…
Quebec like the yellow variety but they’re weird.
Take vitamin D like it was candy
And then my doctor tells me my Vitamin D levels are too high, and I need to stop
That’s possible?
Stupid d vitamin amounts over long time leads to a buildup of calcium in the blood which causes a bunch of problems. From wikipedia:
The recommended dietary allowance is 15 μg/d (600 IU per day; 800 IU for those over 70 years). Overdose has been observed at 1,925 μg/d (77,000 IU per day).[citation needed] Acute overdose requires between 15,000 μg/d (600,000 IU per day) and 42,000 μg/d (1,680,000 IU per day) over a period of several days to months. Source
Yes, although I do not think she is a very good doctor at all
I’m thankful there are a lot of community events in the smallish towns in my area that help stave off the winter stir craziness. I think I’ve only seen the sun 4 times in the last 3 months but those few days were glorious. I can still get some hiking done on days where it’s not miserably windy. The thing that kills me the most are how short the days are.
Get through? Winter is something I look forward to. Snuggling under a warm blanket with a pet or loved one. Hearty soups for every meal. Days are shorter and life slows down.
Summer sucks. Winter is where it’s at.
I’m traveling in the south right now. That’s one way.
Pick up a winter hobby. I look forward to winter now that I started steelhead fishing (it’s a cold weather thing). Buy cross country skis or snowshoes and it’ll never snow enough.
That’s the problem, it doesn’t snow enough now… I used to be able to XC on trails in my hometown, now the snow is too thin and patchy. The ice is too thn on the lakes to be trustworthy. We get an extra 3 months of stick season, almost no snow season.
It doesn’t snow enough. I own snowshoes. I also like to winter camp. I just got back from some time on the shore of lake Erie. I’d love to do winter mountaineering but I don’t live near mountains and haven’t been able to take time off of work for travel.
I live in Cleveland and began backpacking in Pennsylvania thirty years ago during the coldest, snowiest winter since the 70’s. My buddy and I rented cheap snowshoes that were awful, that summer i mail ordered a pair of Atlas snowshoes when they first became available. I think I’ve used them twice since. That’s why every time I hear someone griping about the winter, my suggestion is to buy skis or snowshoes because it’ll never snow enough. Or to put it another way; buy these and you’ll realize how infrequently we have snow on the ground. This winter has been an exception though, same thing with three years ago.
I too wanted to be a mountaineer! My friends and I even took a class on Mount Baker. It’s a lot like being on a chain gang. You are tied into a rope with a few others and if you don’t move in unison it can be frustrating. I settled on doing some pretty heavy duty backpacking, way more chill. Now I fly fish and just like backpacking, Ohio isn’t the best place for it but I’ve learned to get over what I call "the grass is greener syndrome ".
I bought a snowblower, so we never have a big snowfall again. Actually I just used it last week for the first time this year. In 4 years I’ve had maybe four total uses …. No more snow
Got a new snowblower also thinking the same thing would happen to me but I’ve gotten quite a bit of use out of it already.
Yeah I’ve been in Ohio for a couple of decades now. I travel to the Smokies and Rockies as often as I can, also MI and PA but work has been a challenge recently. I have lived out West and internationally and in the Midwest. I’ve learned to not let my location get in my way too much. My ice axe and crampons still call to me sometimes though.
I miss the snow this year, it brightens up the outside world substantially.
I do gaming, cleaning, planning, and sometimes head out and take cool photos:
Yesterday was spend with my dad helping me troubleshoot a nixie clock I built as a kit back in 2011, it worked fine until I touched the power rails to the tubes, 180V DC will make you loose control of your arm and just throw whatever you are holding, including a nixie clock.
After getting a new power supply, power cable and fuse and cleaning up my old crappy solder joints it is once again working for the first time since 2011, there is some kind of short that we ar having a hard time figuring out, but for the most part it is working…
I might just get a new clock from a shop in Ukarine (nixieshop.com)
Other than that, today I need to do some cleaning, and I might get my car and do a decent clean of that as well.
D vitamins and gaming. Having a kid helps get you up in the morning
For the most part I keep doing the same things while enjoying it less. Obviously I go outside less but I still do. I gear up, hop onto my bike and ride into the pitch black forrest only to realise this kind of sucks and then I just do a short trip and come back home. Then I forget that it wasn’t that fun and do the same thing again tomorrow.
Visit a garden centre that has a greenhouse. I picked up a little cactus!
- Western Oregon. My grandfather moved my family here to avoid the snow. Water should be wet.
- I think I might have reverse SAD because when it’s hot and sunny I’m a lump and when it’s wet and the days I short I’m a hyper-focused motivation machine.
Get a sun lamp, mine helped me immensely! I sit in front of it every morning as I’m getting ready (before the sun is up) and it wakes me up and improves my mood.
Drink 😁
XC skate skiing when there’s snow, running with spiked shoes when there’s not. Dark when going to/from work usually, so getting out in the weekends is important. Walk/run in the middle of the workday is great, but something that I don’t do nearly enough.
D vitamins. I also have a daylight lamp at work, but haven’t started using it yet.
I just dress warmly, often even when inside. It’s the biggest factor in weathering out the Winter, you just have to know how to do it. Currently laying in bed in an opened green hoodie over a pink plaid shirt and jeans and a warm temple garment bra/panties. It’s normal around here to just accept having on three layers.