Electrical power? I mean, not including camping, I think 4-5 days after a major storm.
Like 2 hours
Just doomscroll on Reddit (this was before the enshittification) using mobile data until it came back on.
Now I just have a bunch of power banks fully charged just so I feel “safe” from the FOMO.
3 days
We lost power for a week when I was a kid after a hurricane. Our house was in a neighborhood out in the country, maybe a ten minute drive from what was more inside the city limits. I didn’t fully experience it, though. I was 13 at the time (I think this was 1996) and mom took me and my siblings into the city and we crowded into my grandmother’s house, which only had one guest room (I can’t remember if I slept on the couch or an air mattress, something like that). Dad stayed out at our house, I guess to guard it. I’m not sure why I went back out with him after a week; maybe the weather was cooling off? But as we were driving out we were listening to the radio and people were calling in, excited to have the power back on, and as we drove out we kept seeing lights on the houses as we got closer to home and were very happy to find the power was back on when we got home. I think everyone else came back home the next day.
I was in Houston for Freezageddon. I was without power for 4 days and nights. Luckily I had a gas fire place and didn’t freeze.
About 10 days after a hurricane.
One week, in my own house. We were part of the ones that lost power during ‘snowmageddon’ in the south a couple years back. Thankfully due to some light prep I’d done during the initial COVID outbreak I had plenty of canned meals for the fam and a nice butane cooking stove. Hardest part was keeping the house warm but we basically had some candles and plenty of blankets. Honestly could have been really bad, but looking back it was a nice little respite.
When I was eleven (1988) we moved to a rural property with no power. I left when I was eighteen… So… Seven years.
How did moving out change your lifestyle? And how in your eyes does it compare to people who always had power?
He saw the light.
maybe a day but our heat is eletric so its a big deal. luckily never in winter so far but that one time was fall and cold enough to be worried.
2 weeks. I resolved it by tracking the exact area of the power outage and calling the power company:
“Look, I know it doesn’t do any good to call you guys and go ‘wah! my powers out!’ so here’s the deal, it’s out from x street to y street East to West, and from 0 street to z street North to South.”
“WOW! That’s a big area!”
“Yes it is.”
Power was back on the next day.
Outside of camping, the massive blackout of 2003.
A weekend. Our power got cut off on a Friday morning and they could only send someone out to reconnect it on Monday evening. Monday was also the start of a week-long hospital stay for me which was inconvenient…
Honestly, probably not longer than a weekend. And even that was due to being at a festival, not because of any outage. I can’t remember an outage longer than an hour tbh
2-3 days. Where we used to live in the mountains we’d loser power half a dozen times during the winter. Kind of enjoyed it. Everything slowed down, you hunkered down, and appreciated lost activities.
Still, we were never really without all power as my dad could run some appliances off his welding machine acting as a generator.
Electrical? About 20 minutes. For this country, outages are rare, and this mayor one made the national evening news.