2 pizzas, a small order of breadsticks, and wanted to splurge and get cinnamon sticks.
Pizzas are a “Buy one get one deal!” at 13 bucks a pizza. Figured what the hell, I’ll splurge on desert then with the deal. Get to checkout… hold on a minute… 50 dollars for pizza?! Wait a minute 80 dollars after fees and taxes?!
Usually I only use Doordash for finding something, then I order direct from the store. I just saw the sweet “buy one get one” deal and thought eh, fine I’m here. Right, that’s why I stopped using door dash. I’m not spending 80 dollars on freaking pizza. I’ll just go pick it up and spend a quarter of that price.
At least I would have saved the $3 dollar delivery fee. Phew. Thanks DoorDash.
Yeah, every time I think about getting Doordash, they sucker me in with promises of $1 delivery fees, etc. Then I take the time to find out what I want, put it in my cart, get excited, and…then I see the final price.
That’s when I close out of my browser and go preheat my oven so that I can put in a frozen pizza.
Ordered CFA with a friend a few weeks ago, an hour and a half later and it still hadn’t arrived. My friend canceled their order and we drove out to CFA and ordered it in person, it was less than $30 USD. That’s when they mentioned that the new order was less than half of what they were charged on DoorDash.
It blew my mind, they said it was close to $80 for two large chicken nuggets (whatever count that is) with two large fries, an OJ and a large fountain drink. The place was literally under 10 minutes away, they charged more than 2.5x for it, and it hadn’t even arrived in an hour and a half. DoorDash is terrible.
So, you’re a homophobe? Transphobe?
I ask that of everyone who says they spend money at CFA.
Do you buy any product from any corporation that has done anything negative or supported any negative agenda? Don’t be exhausting.
We created a rule, if you want to eat out, you have to be willing to get up and go get it. If you’re not willing to do that, you obviously don’t want it that badly and you can make something at home or do something else. It’s saved me probably thousands of dollars now. However DD is great at showing me what restaurants are around me, I just have to weed out the fake ones. Google has gotten worse and worse about showing me the small places around me.
That’s a great tip for finding new restaurants! I get to waste the middleman’s resources, too! Win win.
It’s even better when you realize they have a ton of metrics, and they are you clicking around to only end up not buying anything. I like to add stuff to my cart, only to walk away so they see that I saw the price and then left
To me, going and picking up food IS the lazy option. I refuse to be lazier than that. I mean, that’s not true. If delivery was free, I’d use it.
Sometimes when I find deals like this on doordash or Uber eats, I buy them and select pickup at the store. It will drop menu prices, and have no fees added. I got a straight smorgasbord from Wingstop the other day taking advantage of 2 buy one get one deals and a $8 off $40 deal.i spent $34 to pick it up. To get the same thing delivered it was like $56+tip.
Be careful with this though, Doordash may not directly take a fee, but the food can be a higher price, no matter what they’re going to take a cut, sometimes at the expense of the restaurant owner.
Yep. Best deal is to phone the restaurant and pay (in cash) on pickup.
If it’s not cheaper, you’ll likely get additional items instead.
Stop using it. It’s that simple.
Gig economy work is horrible for the workers, and incredibly exploitative. The workers frequently make less than minimum wage.
I refuse to order from any restaurant that doesn’t do their own delivery. If enough other people do the same, these places will curl up and die very quickly.
They said they don’t use it and only use it to browse the menu.
I don’t disagree, but jobs are already hard to come by, pushing people out of the only jobs they can find is a rough solution
The jobs won’t disappear. They’ll just change. The need is obviously there.
Here in Colorado a bunch of drivers just formed a employee owned co-op, both to give the middle finger to Uber and Lyft, and so the drivers can actually earn a living. We need more of that.
A fediverse app to empower coops and smaller taxi companies and allow them to reach users could actually be a pretty good idea and a great way to reduce Uber’s power
This is the way. This gig worker industry is in need of disruption. It’s ultimately a matchmaking service. There is no other broker than can charge 100% markup.
Professional job placement company, realtors, etc do more for a much smaller percentage.
what’s the coop called?
Here’s the first thing I found when I went looking. https://www.shareable.net/driving-change-the-story-of-the-drivers-cooperative-colorado/
That’s the one! I’m really rooting for them.
well that sounds like unemployment insurance with more steps. rather than people buying stuff they don’t need so that it can be delivered to keep someone in a job, and paying the apps the fees, remove the middleman.
“Estimated taxes” what is that for bullshit? You can just calculate how much the tax should be.
I know it’s not how it works in the US, but if they advertise it for 13$ they should sell it for 13$ including tax.
They lump it together. Estimated taxes AND fees. Usually the tax part is like 30% while the fee part is like 70%.a lot of hotel sites will do this for unpublished rates, and the tax part is $0.
They should show me the invoice, but North American companies generally fuck that up as well
“Estimated Taxes” is where they hide all the bullshit made up fees and imaginary taxes that are pure profit and increase profit margin, but if they listed it as “Customer Fuck-over Fee” people would obviously stop using it.
You can ask for an invoice. O wait companies in North America cannot make proper incoices for some weird fucking reason.
It should just all be included in the price (excluding shipping and the fee when paying with a creditcard or paypal instead of a bankcard) and people should make more trouble out of them not doing that.
Americans cant even agree that fascism=bad, what makes you think Americans can give enough of a fuck about something like hidden fees to get something done.
How did the sub total become $53.96?
Breadsticks and cinnamon sticks we $27.96??
Otherwise, did they do hidden fees in the subtotal, on top of the already hidden fees?
Y’all need some better laws in the states.
There is (off the top of my head) only three types of extra charges in Australia for consumers:
- transaction fees (provided the lowest you can possibly pay, even with transaction fees, is advertised. i.e. if you accept card only the minimum fee is included in your advertised price)
- delivery fees (but strictly speaking you ought to advertise “+delivery fees” in your listed price, and only if it’s variable. And finally,
- surcharges based on time. But again, you need to advertise this prominently ahead of payment.
If I were really splitting hairs some restaurants and cafes that do weekend surcharges reeeeally ought to put it on the front cover of their menus, not just at the till.
Anyway, what you have in comparison is maddening.
Taxes? Yeah, that should be in the prices. “Fees”?? Yeah, that’s part of the price, bud.
Absolute yikes.
“Buy one get one deal!"
That’s not a deal, that’s a normal sale. Did they actually phrase it like that? “You pay for 1 item, you get 1 item”? What you mean - and what such a wording might mislead you to believe - is “buy one, get one free” (a.k.a. BOGOF)
That’s a very common deal here in the states. Buy one pizza, get one of equal or lesser value for free.
the only times I heard it before, it included the clarifying “free”. That was in the - then united - states. " buy one get one" just sounds like either a scam, or tautological…
Well… It isn’t, you want two pizzas you buy one and… You get another
Exactly. You buy one and… you get two :) If only there were words for that… Like… Two-for-(the-price-of-)one or Buy one get one free or Buy one get two :)
BOGO is a very common thing in commerce, and means get one free
doesn’t mean it is any less logical :) but then again, marketing people were never known for excessive logical thinking skills…
Even taking away all these delivery services I hate having food delivered as you don’t know how long it’s sat in the car whilst they deliver other orders. The fries are soggy and it’s just not good.
I use those sites to browse the menu then i call the restaurant, which is cheaper, then go and collect it myself.
These services have also ruined fast food. McD although shit is convenient on the commute home It’s just filled with Uber eats and Just eat drivers and really makes it slow now to get food. Then they have these screens to order on so you can’t even get hold of a member of staff to ask for salt cause they’re too cheap to leave it out like they used to.
Yeah. Salt, ketchup, napkin, drinks… the 1/10th penny pinching at McD has me stopping other places a lot more lately.
You did it! No delivery fee! You’re so lucky!
Oh hey… Unrelated, but let me get $20 in “fees” please.
Really though, congrats on that delivery discount though, you’re really coming out in top, putting me through the ringer, bud!
'Murica, the land of the fees!
As someone who is disabled and known people who are disabled, we don’t have the luxury of going out to eat as it is incredibly hard on us, I don’t use them but if I want to get nice food from a restaurant I really don’t have a choice besides delivery and there’s not a lot of places that do delivery without these apps (and some places hide that it’s doordash and say it’s there own)
For one of the people I knew in the past who couldn’t cook there own food because of there disabilities, they heavily relied on doordash type services and they barley ate because being disabled means your incredibly poor, but this anti human society doesn’t care about disabled people.
Yeah, my Mom is mobility impaired and these services were fantastic for her quality of life, in the beginning. However now she not only can’t afford them, she refuses even if someone else pays - I can send $100 for a meal, it she’s horrified at the idea of paying that for me meal for one person
At least grocery deliveries are still ok in her area
How far away are you??? That is expensive. Normally it’s not that bad. I just went up to 54$ on an order and tax and shipping is only 15$. While it’s not “good”. It’s not bad either.
So I am guessing you either hit a busy period or live drastically far away from the place you ordered.
Dweebs can’t leave their bubble to actually go pick it up. Fuck these crazy food delivery fees. Fuck the dweebs .
Me seeing the pic: Oh, doordash just dropped the delivery fee…wait, $50??? What the fuck is he ordering in one meal that I could get a weeks worth of groceries???
reads text in topic
Oh, good. For a second I thought he was an idiot…
I said…2 days before the superbowl…knowing what I’m about to spend…
$50 for a week worth of groceries? Either you are posting from 2003 or the developing world.
What are you eating that is costing more than $50 a week? You buy a loaf of bread. $3. 3 or 4 packs of lunch meats. Call it $12. Pack of cheese singles. $3. So you’re up to $18. You now have sandwiches for every lunch this week. Now buy 1 pack of chicken, varies between 10 and 12 dollars for 4-5 chicken breasts. Let’s call it $11 for 4. That’s $29. Grab a box of cereal. Call that $3. Up to $32. Grab a pack of porkchops. Usually 4 in a pack for about $10. $42. Grab 2 bottles of pasta sauce, $8. And a pack of spagetti for $3. Now grab a bag of potatoes, call that $6. And a bag of oranges, or a bag of apples. $6. Grand total $65, and I even went overboard. That’s like a week and a half, but I’m also assuming your kitchen is totally empty. Otherwise, you might only need 1 bottle of pasta sauce. You might already have half a bag of fruit left from last week. You might still have half a box of cereal left. I also said a LOT of lunch meat for 1 week.
On top of that, I bought meals for every meal. I don’t eat 3 meals a day. I eat 1. Sometimes 2. Today I’ve had 0, and I am hungry, but it’s also bedtime within an hour. So I’m just going to wait until I wake up.
Real talk, do you eat your cereal with pasta sauce?
I just fist it staight from the box.
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You can definitely get a week worth of groceries for that in the UK or Europe. Nothing fancy, only ingredients, but good nutritional food and enough of it.
You can do that here in the US too (for now). But the pre-packaged junk food is really expensive and that’s what people want.
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With 80€, I get around 2 weeks of groceries in Germany for 1 person… Almost free highest quality tap water, no breakfast, bread with something on it for lunch, something for dinner that results in leftovers for 1-2 days…
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Feel free to post more untrue assumptions…
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Only if your eat like a monk. That’s 5.71€ per day
Well… I’m not feeling like I’m missing anything… My meat consumption is pretty low by the way…
1 kg Spaghetti = 2 € reduced price
1.5 kg Tomatoe puree = 3.50 € reduced price
Let’s assume 1€ for all the other non-meat stuff you put in there…
Voila, Spaghetti Napoli… This is enogh food for me for lunch + dinner, lunch + dinner on the next day and lunch the day after for only 6.50 € total.
A frozen Pizza is like 2 € (reduced price)…
A large bread is a few €s, but is enough for multiple days…
500 gram Skyr = 1.50 € and is sometimes enough for me for lunch. Add a few flakes and it’s maybe 2 €…
If I’d want to reach the stated 80€ a week, I kind of have to eat in a restaurant or invite more people…
Where’s the vegetables? Fresh lettuce or spinach? Onions, carrots, celery, broccoli, kale, cucumber, fresh peas, peppers, egg plants….
You’re just eating canned tomatoes and pasta. People get more balanced diet than that at the food bank!
I wrote:
Let’s assume 1€ for all the other non-meat stuff you put in there…
Even, if it’s 2€ or 3€ for other people… It does not change the fact that you can create a huge meal for multiple days for a reasonable price.
Even if I consume all the stuff listed by you combined with pasta and tomatoes (as much as a single person can eat), that’s still not 80 $/€ a week for me…
Fresh vegetables are way more expensive than that where I live. A package of lettuce (good for 3 days) costs $4. A package of bell peppers (3 peppers) costs $8-10.
Allocating $1.50 (CAD, about equal to 1€) to vegetables might get me a head of lettuce and a bit of carrot and onion. Enough to make a basic garden salad. Nowhere near enough to make something nice like a rich vegetable soup!
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If you decide to only eat plain tomato with pasta, and that for 14 days, yep that’s possible. You are still eating like shit, and that is far from a balanced nutrition.
I think, it’s quite obvious that I posted examples and won’t write down everything I could possibly eat.
Cooking for yourself and not eating out ever, and my bill from Aldi rarely is above $50, just buy seasoning as you go. I make a week’s worth of food on one day a week, freeze most of it, and then just reheat it in a microwave.
Yup. I’d make a tray of lasagna, in my bachelor days, and it would last me about 4 days. Of course I’d be really tired of lasagna by then lol
Man…I just spent a month cooking chicken, and freezing it. My freezer is FULL of frozen chicken in ziplock baggies. I’d buy 6 packs of chicken, which have 4-5 pieces each. I’d cook 1 pack a night for a week, and on my off day go buy 6 more packs for next week.
Then I’d throw them in the freezer individually in ziplocks.
I work Sunday-Thrusday. So on Friday, I pull 5 chickens down to the fridge to thaw, and that’s ready by sunday. Then every day I just grab 1 chicken to bring to work. Aldis also sell lunch meats, but they have reusable containers. So I bought these condiment cups with sealable lids, fill each of them with BBQ sauce. Put the chicken still frozen in the ziplock into the former lunchmeats tupperware. Then put the bbq sauce up in. Seal the tupperware, and stack them 5 high like that. Then Sunday before work, I just reach in, grab one tub, and throw it in my bag. My bag also has some fruit, and some little snacks inside another lunchmeats tupperware. Just grab 2 tubs. throw them in my bag, and it’s ready for me.
All you eat for lunch is chicken? Why not pasta or rice or bread or tortillas? All that chicken could make a ton of frozen burritos or chicken pastas or stir fries to eat with rice!
You can get a weeks worth of calories plus a multivitamin for $80
Where can’t you?
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Na dude you can totally get a balanced diet for 80 bucks a week for 1 person
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Yeah, doordash can gdiaf. Local burger joint only does delivery through doordash, but adds 20% on top of the base price to cover the fees doordash change them (fair enough), then doordash adds the delivery fee they charge me on top of that as well. They double dip on fees by changing both the restaurant and the customer, what should be a fairly affordable lunch when I don’t have time to make something or go out and get it myself would end up being stupid expensive
I don’t understand how all of these delivery services are so popular when everyone is saying how high the cost of living is. People have money to blow on delivery fees?
Most of the people that I know that make decent money don’t use the service, but the people that work at restaurants or do gig work occasionally do… I don’t understand
Just fools and their money being parted.
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Yes. Those people consider things like this part of the “cost of living”, not the luxury that it is.
On average, people have more of an issue overspending than they do underearning. That’s why even among people making six figures, 1 in 4 of them live “paycheck to paycheck”, which people assume to mean ‘barely make enough to make ends meet’, but what more commonly means ‘deliberately chooses not to save/spends every dollar earned’.
Easy really. The shop has one parking space which is occupied by their delivery driver. The next nearest parking space is half a mile away through a dark alley and you have to pay, but it takes so long to pay that you get fined. The shop itself is freezing because the door doesn’t shut properly. It’s also a ten mile drive away, down wide fast roads, or at least roads that would be fast if they weren’t infested by ridiculously low average speed cameras which mean you have to crawl all the way there and back or risk getting fined again. Then when you get home you discover you’ve been fined for the last time you parked somewhere and overstayed by a whole nanosecond.
That’s how it is in the UK anyway. And politicians wonder why town centres are dying.
It is your opinion town centres are dying from not enough parking space?
This used to be the mainstream opinion back in the sixties, but nowadays basically any “revitalisation” programme will be removing asphalt, because small business health has been shown to be correlated with how well connected the area is to public transport, and how pleasant it is to loiter in.
FWIW my teen does. For him it’s a combination of things not available on campus and he’s always sent money as soon as he gets it. But he doesn’t have any expenses so …
…so bad parenting?
My sister uses doordash and there’s always something wrong. Yet she insists on trying again and again, and I can’t understand why.
I have never used them or Uber or others like this, and refuse to do so. They exploit their workers, they charge exorbitant fees, and when something’s wrong, it’s nobody’s fault.
If I want food, I go get it myself. I’m my own delivery boy! And contrary to a lot of people delivering food, I will not park on a sidewalk or in a bike lane.
The one thing I will say positively about DoorDash is that when something is wrong with the order, it is really easy to report it and receive fair credit in the app instantly.
I’ve been trying to order directly more often, to avoid fees and tips, and if something is wrong it’s almost always a hassle to get any kind of credit without going back to the store in person. I barely want to go in the first place, so having to go back just to get $3 doesn’t really make sense.
That’s their model, they make everything easy and take the loss. But after everyone started using them, they can do whatever they want.
I remember 10 years ago a collegue is telling me that that Amazon was great. You order something, it arrives and if there is an issue with the order, you can order a replacement by yourself and it will arrive before even you returned the first item. Few weeks ago I had an issue with an order and you need to contact the customer service for a solution. Chat was not working, you can request a call back but it wasn’t working either, they give you a number to call but it isn’t working. 4 years ago it was much easier to contact them.
Agreed. At some point in your life, time becomes the biggest luxury, so I very much prefer spending a couple of extra bucks on higher quality stuff to the hassle of returning cheaply made junk.
From what I have seen when she orders doordash, it’s also a hassle to get something fixed (because it happens often), and half the people will not eat at the same time than others, because the order is half wrong and they will deliver the rest, eventually.
I guess if you’re always ordering alone it’s not a big issue, but she’s always ordering multiple meals and I can’t recall one time where it all went smoothly. There is always something wrong that has to be fixed, gotta contact them, get it fixed, it takes time and not everyone has their food at the same time.
From my perspective, it just sucks to order for a group with doordash. It would be better to just have one or a few people of the group to go get the food directly at the restaurant.
I really can’t understand people that live in a city with restaurants close to them, and still being unable to get off their ass and walk/cycle/drive to get their food.
The only time I order food directly from restaurants is when I’m in the countryside or a rural area with friends or family, and the to and fro time would be unacceptably long if I’d go grab it myself.
I have a friend who hates grocery shopping, so they get their food delivered, but then constantly complains about nonsensical substitutions. They’re not wrong that the substitutions don’t make sense, but there’s a really easy way to ensure you get exactly what you want…