Donald Trump made a peculiar comment about Pennsylvania voting “computers” during an ode to Elon Musk at his pre-inauguration rally. During a loved-up nod to his “first buddy” before 20,000 fans at Sunday’s rally, Trump was taking swipes at Russia and China, and talking about the tech mogul getting a rocket into space. Trump then detoured into Musk’s influence on the 2024 presidential election.
So, what? Biden stole the election first. That means he can do it this time. Probably.
facetious: adjective not meant to be taken seriously or literally: a facetious remark. amusing; humorous. lacking serious intent; concerned with something nonessential, amusing, or frivolous: a facetious person.
Even if that were true, absolutely not.
My friend… WTF.
I was being facetious. I make joke.
That’s what Trump does. He claims others are cheating and doing the thing that he actually does.
I think that’s been their MO the past 5 years.
Make a massive stink about things that didn’t happen (or at least to any notable degree) then when they do it themselves it doesn’t seem so outlandish. It’s just payback.
Most people stopped understanding joke since the US government became one.
Oh, dang. From the top turnbuckle!
Actually, I stole the election. I tried to pass it to my buddy Bernie Sandz for him to toss to Kamala, but it got intercepted by Ding Dong Don-Don and his friend,
Meloniethe Apartheid Profit—they somehow managed to convince enough crowd members to play defense for them, it was pretty crazy. Anyway, I was trying to cheat, but they cheated better than I did. Sorry y’all.No. I’m Spartacus.
Yo mama stole the election
Good for her! I’ve been worried about her finding a new hobby after retiring
Can we stop misgendering Elon?
Gender is not an weapon to be used to insult.
Man does literal Nazi salutes and the worst people can call him is to stoop to his level and insult women and trans people?
Is it weaponizing gender or poking fun of him replacing his wife with Elon?
You know what? I usually have that same reaction when people pronounce “Elon” like “Ellen.” I wasn’t even thinking about the name “Melanie” at the time. I originally wrote “Melony,” but that looked incorrect, so I changed the y to an ie.
I’d seen someone else write F Elon, so “felon” was in my brain, so I wanted to call him"Felony," but that seemed lame, which led to “Melony,” and you get this picture.
Anyway, all those mental hoops that I jumped through to end up accidentally seeming like I was trying to use gender as an insult—something I’m totally not cool with.
If anyone’s read this far, thanks, and I apologize for my comment seeming like I was trying to misgender Elon like it’s part of some sort of joke. Elon deserves worse than that kind of insult, and the types of people that it actually harms deserve better., even though it wasn’t my intent, thank you for calling me out on this. I’d hate to be another voice piling onto marginalized communities or promoting toxic masculinity.
You’re a good egg fartographer! That was very well said and a great show of introspection.